Lost and Found Video Night

Anyone ever heard of these guys at www.5minutestolive.com ? They look to me like your typical band of video "tape traders," and by that I mean the kind of "traders" you encounter at sci-fi/fantasy conventions that charge $20 for copies of Battle Royale they made. In fact, these guys ARE charging $20 for copies of Battle Royale they made, but they're also selling--er, I mean, TRADING, yeah that's the ticket--various Hell-related media. While I certainly won't be paying $20 for the Heaven's Gate tape, I did notice that they've got a set of compilations entitled Lost and Found Video Night:


Some of it we've already got (in less than pristine quality), like Shatner doing Rocketman, Turkish Star Wars, Bollywood Don and his exploding briefcase (my copies of this were from DVD!), Der Fuhrer's Face, and so on. But most of it is stuff I've actually never heard of myself (Indonesian Sylvester Stallone sounds like it has promise).

The catch? You guessed it, pricetag. Until January 7th, it's $100 for 7 DVDs, which themselves contain about 10 hours worth of VHS captured footage. Unless of course, you can trade them something they're looking for:


Of course, none of that is stuff I've ever heard of. Still, it's always good to have more goofy footage in (hopefully) playable condition. Perhaps if nobody else has anything to trade with them over, we can split the costs?

In the meantime, I'll bite the bullet and download this MPG of "VD Attack Plan" starring Meatwad as Ignorance. 731 meg MPEG-1? How long IS this thing, an hour?!


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