Panel OF DOOM, Anime Express 2005

March 18th-20th officially kicks off anime con season here in Florida with Anime Express 2005, and the Panel OF DOOM will be there on Friday night to deliver the burning! With three weeks to go and only having just been given the okay for the panel about an hour ago, I haven't got a definite lineup yet, but I'll be scaling back on the Walker, Texas Ranger and TV Carnage bits in favor of more Looney Tunes wartime propaganda, educational films where children injure themselves for not following all the rules, and sketch comedy bits. SCTV is Dave's territory, and since I already used a bit of Kids in the Hall at AWA, I'll stick to that. Plus, Andy Richter's visit to the Make a Wish Foundation and everyone's favorite floating gun-spitting head, Zardoz! The kids don't know about that one. The folks down here don't know about Fish Fight or Forklift Driver Klaus either, and you can rest assured that something will certainly be done about THAT.

With any luck I won't be stealing any of Ken Nabbe's thunder, as he runs a Hell-like show at Jacon entitled "What The?!" Fortunately, he tends to stick more to the Flash animation / funny video linked across the Internet route, so I don't expect any overlap. I'm pretty sure I pointed him to the CPF site to pick up a copy of Foreshadowing, since not only does Joe Vecchio attend Jacon, but the crowds were getting tired of seeing Corn Dog 7 every year. Florida crowds are restless and you have to keep clips as short as possible. I know Dave draws the line at ten minutes, but with these kids I'm lucky if I can keep things at about three. For the educational films like One Got Fat, I have to split those up one injury per clip.

Danno suggested I buy one of those portable DVD players with a monitor on it so I can preview my VHS footage, but it's about $150 for ones with both composite input and output. Besides, I don't even get microphones at FL cons (or volume controls or...any of that stuff listed in the manifesto aside from a panel room equipped with a projector and a screen). I'm thinking I should buy a karaoke machine just so I can have a mic connected to a speaker. Suggestions?


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