Traditionally, my take on Anime Hell known as the Panel OF DOOM has been something I decided to do at anime conventions so there would be counterprogramming to a major Saturday evening event such as the costume or AMV contests. I usually do this out of a panel/workshop room or video room, and each year at AFO I've been lucky enough for the attendance to be greater than the capacity of the room itself. With no larger workshop-type rooms to put me in, AFO has decided to put me in their Main Events room and shift me to Friday at 11 PM. With a different night, different room, and different start time compared to years past, I decided the best course of action would be to draft up some flyers. Not that I expect to fill THIS room past capacity since it holds a decent amount of people, but there's no way I'm letting a chance like this go to waste. I mean, most people who run Hell events in the main events room do so because they're helping to run the con!
I've posted two flyers in the forum thread linked above, and then Tohoscope's been posting his ones here and on the LJ community, so I took a cue from him when crafting my latest:
I did try to use that Add Images button on Blogger, but when I previewed the post, the images didn't show up. Then when I manually entered in the uploaded image URL, Firefox tells me "redirection limit exceeded" and IE just tries to load it forever, with neither of them actually showing a clickable thumbnail to the full-sized image. Oh well. Download this Panel OF DOOM flyer HERE.
As it's exceedingly obvious that I have no eye or actual talent for graphic design, are there any suggestions to make these flyers better? Shift around/enlarge/shrink the text, maybe? Oh, and what do you suppose is a reasonable print run for all of these? I'm thinking I can just make a very small amount of copies of each design (like say, 5 at the most) since I'll be posting these up around the convention Friday evening rather than setting down a stack on the freebie table for people to take.
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