Painting ice snow Antarctic mountain landscape, background, or environmental concept scene.

Learn How to draw and paint ice snow Antarctic mountain landscape, background, or environmental concept scene. Drawing and painting tutorial video demonstration for manga, anime, comics and illustration.
This step by step video show you from rough sketch, lay down the base color,
blocking in shape for painting, assigning value and color composition, and refining detail for the final concept painting.

Enjoy the video:

Drawing Software & Tools I used:
-Adobe Photoshop CS2
-Wacom Intuos3 6X8 Pen Tablet
*It could also be done with acrylic or oil paint.

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-Drawing and painting Natalie Portman FACE
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-More facial tutorials on Basic Tutorial Directory

Here are basic tutorial for human body:
-Drawing upper body using basic geometric shape (easy, basic)
-Drawing arm, shoulder, and torso.
-Drawing arm, shoulder, and torso 3/4 and back
-Drawing female body figure model sheet
-Drawing woman body or female figure (top): Torso
-Drawing woman body or female figure (bottom): Pelvis, hip

Feel free to comment and if you have any question about how to draw and such. Do not hesitate to post any question, I will try my best to answer any question about art as much as possible.

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Happy New Year!!!


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