Here is the 3rd update of the Mecha robot concept design process (here is part 1: Mecha Robot step by step drawing and part2 Painting Mech process tutorial). I get about 30 mins to an hour a day to do this...little by little. Hopefully it will turn out nicely.
Here is the latest UPDATE!!! (Still more paint over and tweaking to do! :P)
Note on the update: I decided yellow probably isn't going to work in this design because I want a little more dramatic lighting effect for this particular drawing, painting, color concept design. So I will have to go with the off-white color (white to light gray). White would probably look slicker anyway in this particular design (kinda remind us of big airplane and such).
I will have to change it from yellow to gray or something similar.
Goto: Top menu in PS --> Layer --> New Adjustment Layer --> Color Balance

Good rule to go by is...Cool light warm shadow vs Warm light cool shadow (Tips here -Color temperature warm vs cool for artist).
So I adjust Midtone then Highlight and Shadows until I get the yellow to change to off white color. Because I want to make underlight more dramatic that why I choose to go with the new color for the Mecha robot.
-Then, I decide to add the pilot cockpit onto its mid-section, figure it would make sense and it would definitely show the scale of the robot that we (human) can related to.
-Also I get a rid of the regtangular shapes on its shoulder. Because there is only one (two vents) regtangular element and the rest of the design are mostly round. So I decided to round it out with some sort of turbine jet engine look alike for vents to maintain the repetitive shape (consistency in design). ***there are some exceptions sometimes***
After all the changes, I think it looks a lot better and closer to what I am aiming for. **The off-white really does bring out the blue sky and the under-lighting effect :)
Anyway, Here is the color sketch so far (almost there)

Here are the updates: Painted over step by step
Then I changed the rocket launchers to twin vents.... so it fits. :)
Close Up shot of the Mecha body
Add some spicy yummy detail onto the big shape.
Here is the latest UPDATE!!! (Still more paint over and tweaking to do! :P)
To be continued
Go to: Previous post -Part1 Mecha Robot step by step drawing -Part2 Painting Mech process tutorial
Drawing Software & Tools I used and recommended:
-Wacom Intuos3 6X8 Pen Tablet or Genius MousePen 6x8
-Gimp (Free Download)
-Adobe Photoshop CS4
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