Draw and color anime girl step by step process another attempt

Draw and color anime girl step by step process another attempt!

My last attempt to revive the old drawing of Anime looking character was not so successful. So I take a different direction. I am looking at a simpler and going with a fewer values.

Because of last time I try to maintain the simple anime face and try to render everything else out...it clashed. Now, I am doing less but adding more of other element instead like designs, costume and such. It works out better than last time so it looks like I will be able to finish it in a couple sessions. It takes a lot of thinking than I think it would. Since I am doing the realistic render/ painting concept at work all day. It's a little tricky to switch the mentality and simplify and make good looking cartoon.

If you are looking for more of simple and typical Anime style drawing tutorials, you can go to How to draw Anime girl face front viewHow to draw Anime girl face side viewHow to draw Manga girl bodyDrawing Anime girl face 3/4 viewHow to draw Anime girl sitting pose.  These are all basic pencil drawing on paper tutorial, nothing complicated.  All of them should be easy to follow instruction with step by step images.

Here are some of the coloring tutorial for drawing Anime girl tutorials if you like the soft and lighter look or what we called hi-key color Anime Tutorial How to draw and color (Soft light blue color scheme.), Draw Anime Girl (light blue and Orange complimentary color schemes) and Draw and Color Comics woman ( peachy skin with blue) Enjoy the tutorial.

So here it is. Anime Spy girl so far

Still much to be done. Here are step by step coloring anime girl process:
how to color anime style
Now it's going to the direction that I want. Still there is some work to be done, clean up,
And I will finish it soon.

Hey, thanks for all the feedback GUYS!!! Appreciate :)
I clean up her skin tone on the chest area, I figured it doesn't need that many values as I previously painted. Sometimes it's necessary to scale back the value range and keep it simple for the sake making it looks better. :)
I change the leather color to white because white make it look more futuristic/ sci-fi and that what I am going for in this one. Brown leather color usually goes well with fantasy, western, etc.
Here is almost final version...
And of course...THE SUNSET way in the back behind them buildings for Pokepetter.
I think I am going to call it done here for now then go work on something else. I might have some idea to go further after that. But for now here it is :P
anime girl

the final render version:
drawing anime girl
Click here for BIGGER version: Anime Girl Hitman

Watch the video (older version) of how I sketch this one to begin with. Enjoy!

Coloring Anime girl Video tutorial: Basic

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