Dragon Ball KAI 21 Sub.Esp. [Online & Descargar]

Hola amigos , aquí les traigo un capitulo mas de Dragon Ball Kai, Goku se prepara para su viaje al planeta Nameku, disfrutenlo y gracias por visitar Estrenos Anime.

Vídeo en RAW

clases ingles madrid
coches segunda mano
comprar loteria
Contratos por diferencias
papel de colores
pizarras verdes
Productos contra el cancer
villas de Menorca

FMA Shintetsu 21 Sub.Esp. [Online & Descargar]

Aqui les traigo el capitulo semanal de la nueva segunda temporada de Full Metal Alchemist subtitulado en Español, disfrutenlo y gracias por su visita, hasta la próxima!!

One Piece 415 Sub.Esp. [Online & Descargar]

Hola gente querida! aquí les traigo el capítulo semanal de One Piece Anime titulado "La Confesión de Hancock, El horrible pasado de las hermanas". Disfrutenlo y comenten, Estrenos Anime, lo que buscabas :)

VHS HELL: Battle Of The Rock Lords

Battle Of The Rock Lords
Battle Of The Rock Lords Back

Eureka Seven Movie Screening Nationwide on Sept 24th

NCM Fathom and Bandai Entertainment will be screening the English dubbed Eureka Seven - good night, sleep tight, young lovers movie in theatres nationwide for one night only on Thursday, September 24, 2009 at 7:30 p.m.

Click here for a list of participating theatres.

This isn't one of those playtime screenings folks, they are showing this in a crapload of locations. Go see it if you can!

Synopses: This is another version of the story of Renton and Eureka. For almost half a century, mankind has battled a mysterious organism from space called “EIZO.” In 2054, there is a young soldier on board the fighter aircraft commanded by Holland, GEKKO, of the renegade group GEKKOSTATE, who is battling EIZO. The young soldier’s name is Renton. He boards Nirvash and heads for the battlefield. He has only one dream: to rescue his childhood friend, Eureka, who was kidnapped eight years ago and return to his hometown. Fate, however, brings tribulations to test the young love between Renton and Eureka --mission and emotion, truth and lie, past and future, life and death, reality and dream and even Holland – the entire world stand in the way of the two as the final battle with EIZO approaches...

Touhou Project Papercraft: Sitting Yukari Yakumo Papercraft

Yukari Yakumo is another character in the Touhou Project and was first introduced in Perfect Cherry Blossom as the sleepy mistress of Ran. Download the model here.


Did you know that nuphedragen is the world's first diet pill to use the concept of CART and NPY? CART is the good guy that raises your metabolism, lowers your appetite, and increase insulin delivery to the muscles while NPY increases appetite, lowers metabolism, and decreases body temperature for decreased fat burning. Nuphedragen is unmatched by other pills as it uses powerful thermogenic fat burners, metabolism boosters, appetite suppressants, and mood boosters for a powerful effect.

Burst Angel 24/24+OVA descargar español latino

Año 20XX. Tokyo se ha vuelto un lugar post-apocalíptico, donde se vive en un infierno -literalmente-. La serie inicia con Kyohei Tachibana, un estudiante de cocina, quien encuentra trabajo como cocinero con un par de mercenarias sexy que viven en un trailer, y sus aventuras mientras intentan descubrir una serie de atentados que suceden en la ciudad de Tokyo.

Categoría: Serie
Género: Accion/Aventuras/Ciencia Ficción
Formato: .MP4
Tamaño: 50 MB
Capitulos: 24
Host: megaupload
Duración: 00:25:35

Español latino

1.- http://hotfile.com/dl/69865810/aa05b8d/Burst_Angel_Lat_01.mp4.html
2.- http://hotfile.com/dl/69866001/b7e7f0e/Burst_Angel_Lat_02.mp4.html
3.- http://hotfile.com/dl/69866204/09f7689/Burst_Angel_Lat_03.mp4.html
4.- http://hotfile.com/dl/69866451/e93c5a7/Burst_Angel_Lat_04.mp4.html
5.- http://hotfile.com/dl/69866535/1d88899/Burst_Angel_Lat_05.mp4.html
6.- http://hotfile.com/dl/69866732/c4f7132/Burst_Angel_Lat_06.mp4.html
7.- http://hotfile.com/dl/69866923/7b83091/Burst_Angel_Lat_07.mp4.html
8.- http://hotfile.com/dl/69866987/4839e3b/Burst_Angel_Lat_08.mp4.html
9.- http://hotfile.com/dl/69867038/d2f27d5/Burst_Angel_Lat_09.mp4.html
10.- http://hotfile.com/dl/69867114/4fdd6c4/Burst_Angel_Lat_10.mp4.html
11.- http://hotfile.com/dl/69867204/da97654/Burst_Angel_Lat_11.mp4.html
12.- http://hotfile.com/dl/69867348/4322f69/Burst_Angel_Lat_12.mp4.html
13.- http://hotfile.com/dl/69867468/9b37a7d/Burst_Angel_Lat_13.mp4.html
14.- http://hotfile.com/dl/69867665/a049ff0/Burst_Angel_Lat_14.mp4.html
15.- http://hotfile.com/dl/69867771/7fd90b6/Burst_Angel_Lat_15.mp4.html
16.- http://hotfile.com/dl/69867979/30a3dc4/Burst_Angel_Lat_16.mp4.html
17.- http://hotfile.com/dl/69868063/4c7c3ea/Burst_Angel_Lat_17.mp4.html
18.- http://hotfile.com/dl/69868176/8df61ee/Burst_Angel_Lat_18.mp4.html
19.- http://hotfile.com/dl/69868310/c51532c/Burst_Angel_Lat_19.mp4.html
20.- http://hotfile.com/dl/69868468/3e2c74a/Burst_Angel_Lat_20.mp4.html
21.- http://hotfile.com/dl/69868587/27dd575/Burst_Angel_Lat_21.mp4.html
22.- http://hotfile.com/dl/69868681/f782196/Burst_Angel_Lat_22.mp4.html
23.- http://hotfile.com/dl/69868811/56cc3c9/Burst_Angel_Lat_23.mp4.html
24.- http://hotfile.com/dl/69868951/3609dea/Burst_Angel_Lat_24.mp4.html

OVA - Japonés subtitulado


Chaos;Head 12/12 descargar y online español

La Historia se centra en un estudiante de instituto llamado Takumi Nishijō, quien se ve envuelto en una sangrienta escena de un crimen de camino a casa, desde ese momento más eventos misteriosos comienzan a ocurrir, como otros asesinatos igual de sangrientos. Takumi comienza ha hacer frente a la realidad y a los "delirios" que experimenta para evitar ser atrapado por el autor de dichos crimenes.

Nombre Original: Chaos;Head
Año de Emisión: 2008
Genero: Comedia, Acción
Cantidad de Episodios: 12
Ovas: No
Tipo: TV Series
Fansubs: Athena no Seinto
Estado de Episodios: Completa
Idioma: Japones
Subtitulos: Español
Peso c/e: 230MB Aprox.
Formato: MP4
Resolucion: 1280x720

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Capitulo 08
Capitulo 09
Capitulo 10
Capitulo 11
Capitulo 12


Capitulo 01
Capitulo 02
Capitulo 03
Capitulo 04
Capitulo 05
Capitulo 06
Capitulo 07
Capitulo 08
Capitulo 09
Capitulo 10
Capitulo 11
Capitulo 12

One Piece Manga 555 Español

Hola queridos amigos!! aquí les traigo un capitulo mas del Manga de One Piece que tiene por titulo "Oars y su sombrero" espero que les guste, Saludos :)

Bakuman Manga 51 Español

Hola queridos amigos, bueno aquí les traigo el Manga de Bakuman correspondiente al de esta semana que se titula "Relanzamiento y bajos puestos". Disfrutenlo y gracias por su visita.

A Novel Approach...

CNN reports:

'Investigators in Colorado say they have broken up a massive methamphetamine ring in the Denver area that distributed pounds of the dangerous drug every week and laundered the profits using collectible comic books.

While arresting the alleged ringleaders, brothers Aaron and Alfonzo Castro, law enforcement officers seized about 100 boxes of first-edition collectible comic books. Investigators say one title alone is worth $3,500 and the total collection of comics is worth half a million dollars.

"It appeared they were working on a start-up company for high-end comic books," said Don Quick, the district attorney in Adams County near Denver.

Quick said the seized comic books included some first-edition Superman and Batman titles. The fragile, vintage comics were stored in plastic bags for protection.'

Tam says it's probably the "Worst Dope Smuggling Plan. Evar":

"The case was broken open when a detective noticed Jeremy Blascowicz grinding his teeth, constantly tugging at his neck beard, and talking at a high rate of speed for three hours straight about why Secret Wars was, like, a million billion times better than Crisis on Infinite Earths."

At least it wasn't first edition Saint Marie and Harukaze Bitter Bop manga volumes... HEH.

SoundHELL: Chrome and Hot Leather

Chrome and Hot Leather (1971)

Chrome and Hot Leather Radio Spot

Bleach Manga 371

Hola amigos! Esta semana en bleach : La pelea entre Hachi y Barragan llega a su fin, descubre que mas trae este capitulo descargandolo ! gracias por visitar Estrenos Anime!

Naruto Manga 461

Bien amigos!! La pelea de Sasuke vs Raikage inicia! Descubre que pasara descargando este capitulo !! Gracias por Visitar Estrenos Anime!!

Miyazaki Madness 2009 Sale!

OK, time for a little shameless promotion. READY!?

Buena Vista, which is one of Disney's home video labels, has actually run a retailer promotion for the first time in living memory. In celebration of the theatrical release of the new Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea film, BV is offering us a special deal on nine Classic Miyazaki DVD's for a short time and we're passing that savings on you!

From now until midnight (EST) on Monday September 7th, you can purchase any combination of the following 9 classic Miyazaki titles for only $16.95 per disk:

The Cat Returns DVD
Howl's Moving Castle DVD
My Neighbors The Yamadas DVD
Nausicaa Valley of the Wind DVD
Pom Poko (Raccoon Wars) DVD
Porco Rosso DVD
Princess Mononoke DVD
Spirited Away DVD
Whisper Of The Heart DVD

Once you have filled your cart with Miyazaki goodness, just apply the following coupon code during checkout to take the additional savings:

That adds up to a savings of just over 43% off the MSRP (of $29.98) for each of these great movies. Just add them to your cart at our regular price and then apply the discount coupon to knock the total price down to only $16.95 per DVD!

Note: Coupon code will deduct 39.4% off our regular discount price for each of the above DVD's, making the total effective price $16.95 per disk (or 43% off MSRP). Items can be purchased in any quantity and in any combination, and can also be included with any other combination of non-sale items on a single order. Sale ends at midnight EST on Sept 7th or until our sale stock is sold out, which ever comes first.

Naruto Shippuden 124 Sub.Esp. [Online & Descargar]

Hola Naruteras y Naruteros !!! Aquí les traigo el capitulo Anime de Naruto Shippuden Subtitulado en Español correspondiente al de esta semana titulado "ARTE" Deidara usa su jutsu final contra sasuke.
Disfrutenlo y pasen un buen día :)

Funimation Lowers MSRP on Strain: Strategic Armored Infantry

The price drops just keep coming from Funi!

Funimation has announced they have reduced the MSRP by 25% on the Strain: Strategic Armored Infantry Complete Collection DVD Boxed Set (Eps #1-13)(Item # FN-08290) from $59.98 to $44.98.

We have reduced our discounted price accordingly from $44.98 to $32.98, and have the sets in stock and ready to ship. :-)

Synopsis: Sara Werec comes from a respected military family and when her brother Ralph leaves for the frontlines of an interstellar war she makes a promise to follow in his footsteps and join him one day. However the next time she sees her brother he has become a traitor and is leading an enemy attack on her training base. Defeated and disgraced, Sara loses her status in an elite military unit and now must start over as a common pilot and work her way back up so she can once again confront her brother.

District 9 and Bob

Digital Art technique assign color to gray scale values

Digital Art technique assign color to gray scale values.

So here is a process update step by step from the last post. In this post, I cleaned up the values on over all figure and give it more light source to the character design. At this stage, I will try to get a clear visual image in big shapes. The tricky part is not to get overly detail too soon on the design, just laying out big shape like underpainting.

Another things to remember at this stage also, when painting, try to stay in the middle range of gray between 30-70, no more, no less.

I am still trying to figure the design out and light source at the same time. But the priority is light source, you will have to try to get it as accurate as possible. Then the design comes after, only if when you are doing a model sheet that you reveal every single detail of the character. As for illustration concept, whatever is in the shadow stay in the shadow. You can show off the detail only in the light. It's tricky and challenging to do. Every time I paint something nowadays, I will try to challenge myself to see if I can push it to the next level from the previous. It doesn't happen every single time, but I usually learn a lot from mistakes.

I also change the post so that it will give the guy more personality.
When apply color using "overlay" layer, do it in the early or mid stage. Make sure the value range of the color you choose stay in middle range (40-60) otherwise it will drastically change your initial gray scale values. And that could throw everything off.

Since there is no video tutorial for this one yet, you can go check out these short video tutorials in the mean time Drawing arm muscles bicep tricep is a good one to see and Drawing body muscle torso anatomy will show you how I draw and render chest area.

But if you are here to see I draw girls then my recent tutorial previous study Figure Study female form step by step, but for more basic go read How to draw female body torso step by step. It shows the easy way to construct a body in the simple way for beginner. Then how to draw woman figure hip pelvis which shows the simple way to draw pelvis and the lower parts of the body. As for the face or head (women, female) Draw girl's face how to lesson video and step by step and learn how to draw face, woman These two are not on the thumbnails above and might be hard to find. Still could be valuable for some people. I did over two years ago, but solid.

speed painting tutorial, digital painting

Flipped and then work again from here to fix all the proportion and angle.
digital painting character design tutorial
Another 40 minutes in and to be continued.

Thanks for all the comment guys :)

SoundHELL: Blacula

BLACULA (1972)

Blacula radio spot

Evangelion 1.0 / Death Note Movie Screening in DC

A free screening of the Evangelion: 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone film (sponsored by the DC Anime Club) will be held at the Japan Information and Culture Center in the Embassy of Japan at Washington, D.C. on September 9 at 6:30 p.m.

The center will also host a free screening of Death Note: The Last Name (Movie #2) this coming Friday (Aug 28th) at 6:30 p.m.

More information on screening time and reservations can be found here.