Funimation's February 2010 Releases - Now Available for Pre-Order!

See, I told you we would finally get Funi's February schedule posted to the site! Here's what's coming:

Case Closed Movie #6 The Phantom of Baker Street DVD
Claymore Complete Collection DVD Boxed Set (Eps #1-26) (BLURAY)
Dragon Ball Season 3 DVD Boxed Set (Eps #63-92) (Uncut)
Dragon Ball Z Dragonbox DVD Set #2 (Eps #43-83)
Soul Eater Collection, Part 1 DVD Box (Eps #1-13)
The Tower of Druaga Part #2, the Sword of URUK DVD Boxed Set (Eps #13-24)
Trinity Blood Complete Collection DVD Boxed Set (BLURAY)

Quite a few BD re-releases in there along with the first box of Soul Eater which I know everyone is waiting for. Also, Funi has reduced the retail price on the 2nd Dragon Box set and our pre-order price reflects that change. Finally the Heroic Age Complete Collection DVD Boxed Set (Eps #1-26) (BLURAY) is on the February schedule too, but it was rescheduled in there from it's original January release date.


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