La Corda d'Oro ~ Primo Passo DVD Collection #2 (Eps #14-26)
Princess Resurrection Complete Collection DVD Box (Eps #1-26)
Shigofumi Complete Collection DVD Boxed Set (Eps #1-13)
Tytania Complete Collection DVD Boxed Set (Eps #1-13)
Strangely, Section 23 also listed a new Sola Complete Collection (all 15 episodes, sub only) for August 3rd. Now as you well know, Bandai released all 15 episodes of Sola (sub only) last September and that set is still in print an available now. We just figured that Bandai had probably lost the license and Section 23 picked it up, but in a very confusing news release yesterday Bandai said:
"The American anime distributor Bandai Entertainment has confirmed that the company still holds a license for the sola romance television series. Section23 Films announced on Friday that Sentai Filmworks has licensed the 15-episode sola series, and Section23 will release a boxset of the series in August. Bandai Entertainment's Robert Napton noted that his company is "not involved with anything [Section23 Films] are doing," and is "currently releasing sola and will continue to do so."
It's impossible for two R1 companies to hold the master license for any title at the same time, so someone is clearly a little confused here. However, given that we have plenty of the old Sola box that Bandai released, and that they are still sending us restocks, and that the Section 23 release is only subtitled like the old version and actually carries an MSRP $5 higher than the current Bandai release, we've decide NOT to solicit Section 23's new Sola box for pre-orders until there is some clarification about who actually owns the title. As soon as everyone gets their shit together and tells us who has what, we'll update that item. :-) Stay tuned.
Are some secrets best kept with the dead? For most Shigofumi Mail Carriers, charged with delivering messages from the recently departed to those left behind, the question is purely rhetorical, as most Carriers are dead themselves and past the point of caring about the still breathing. The solemn girl known as Fumika, however, is all too aware of the mortal perspective, for she is still aging: an indicator that she is somehow, mysteriously, still alive. Yet neither Fumika's own personal tragedy nor the knowledge that her mail may be a mixed blessing at best will stay her grim determination to make her morbid rounds. Though the postal scales of fate may be eternally shifted, Fumika will make sure each posthumous posting from the ultimate dead letter office reaches its intended target, even when there's deadly postage due!
Through fear and conquest, the Empire of Valdana holds the future of most of human space within its the iron hands... and for generations, those hands have belonged to the Landless Lords of the ruling Tytania dynasty. But now that the foundation of the empire is crumbling, pockets of rebellion are forming. When a mission sent to punish the city-state of Euriya is shockingly defeated, the man responsible becomes the target of a galaxy-wide manhunt! For Fan Hyurlick, architect of Tytania's first defeat, glory becomes desperation as his own side betrays him. Now Fan must not only save his own life, but somehow turn the tables on opponents who have whole worlds to command!
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