Nude female figure recline quick color sketch study

Here are step by step of my figure study nude reclining lady. Just want to practice more figure and facial structure and hair on this one. Lots of time I spend on her hair and still not to the point that I want from the painting yet. I still have some work to paint more hair and such to get a good result.
In my opinion, painting hair is the same as painting any object from light using light and shadow as guideline, but it slightly trickier because you better off using some sort of texture to refine it along with regular brush, same as in oil painting. Hair is one of the more difficult subject to pull of successfully. But once I heard some master said one should keep it simple like the rest of the painting and not to complicate it. Im still trying to figure out what that means.
In this post studying values and some experimenting on monochrome toward adding some more colors after I define the values as you can see in the step by step images process.
Still a lot more painting to be done.

Also you can also watch these tutorials for learning how to render face (for basic structure from start to finish) Character Design Face Male Merchant Character, Character design sketch villain or Drawing Male Face Swordman and Learn how to draw and paint face. They might be what you are looking for.

For beginers and basic lesson on how to constructed (draw) a face. Then these tutorial will guild you to a basic how to: How to draw lesson girl face, How to draw person head basic and Draw and render human head with different light sources. (These two are a little more basic). And a little more along the traditional art study, go watch How to draw lesson girl face, How to draw person head basic. And digital painting tutorial rogue samurai female. As for the face or head (women, female) Draw girl's face how to lesson video and step by step and learn how to draw face, woman. Enjoy the video tutorials.
More painting tutorials, the new and update of the late 2010 tutorial on female figures, most of these are painting step by step tutorials, some include video tutorials.  First for figure study, you can go take a look at female model sheet or female figure study woman body proportion sheet.  Then there is a speedpainting figure study back which I pretty much focus on looseness control and brush strokes.  Also if you like comics style pin up painting, check out Emma Frost X-men first class and 2011 is year of the rabbit.  Both are not really focus on brush work, rather smooth rendering of the skin itself.  And Black Rock Shooter color sketch work is a really stylize that is similar to that of Anime or stylize Manga, but not typical.

Here is what I have so far: I will call it "Saturday Morning"

Here are step by step process Nude female recline:

how to draw nude female figure

Closed up on the face
painting nude female figure tutorial

and final so far (Work in progress)

painting nude female figure tutorial
Continue here: Female figure study recline

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