Two holidays for the price of one

You know, I had this grand plan for some solstice videos or an eclipse video or something, but I swear to you, I cold not find one that did not contain one of the following:
  • More text than anyone wants to look at
  • In a font that makes you want to puke
  • "Haunting" piano music
  • Mystical hippie-dippie music or similar "newage" (rhymes with "sewage"!) soundtrack
  • Someone who will not shut up about having a "double rainbow" experience.
Look, I went out there and I looked at it. Yes, it was surreal. No, it was not life-changing. It was one o'clock in the AM and I was tired. It turned red. I quoted Revelations. The roomie busted out the telescope and we looked at the moon. I went inside and watched the opening credits to Stanley Kubrick's "2001". I went to bed.

Yesterday, I scoured my collection (and everyone else's) to find something that would be appropriate. I found this god-awful thing about werewolves.

But then, I thought, hold on. The bestest movie ever about creepy things and the holidays has already been made. Yes, I know, you've seen it before. But isn't it nice to be reminded that there's a good movie that isn't "White Christmas" out there? Heck, decorate your tree, then turn it on its side and build a snake to eat it.

Boris Pickett - "Monster's Holiday"

Fiona Apple - "Sally's Song"

Last minute? Yes, it was.

Everthus - "Deadbeat Christmas"


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