Status of the Fukushima Reactor Accidents

Herschel Smith over at the Captains Journal is posting some excellent updates on the current status and progress of the containment efforts being made at the Fukushima Reactor plant. He is doing a much better job than the main stream media at assessing the situation given the available information.

As he points out: "The Japanese are performing heroically, and the main stream media will catch up in several days (or weeks). The current efforts are focused on radiological source term and thus dose mitigation, not the prevention of core melt events."

The Indescribable Nth (Steve Moore, 1999)

A love story of a boy born with his heart inside of a snow globe. This award winning 1999 independent short was produced at Character Builders in Ohio.


Share in the luck of the Irish with Anime savings better than a pot of gold!! From now through March 28th you can save an additional 5% off any combination of IN STOCK items on the store!

No minimum!

Just use the following coupon code during checkout to save 5%:


The more you purchase the more you save, so be sure to take advantage of this great opportunity to load up on some of the Anime stuff you've had your eye on! US customers can combine this offer with our super saver shipping option to save even more on your favorite in stock Anime series, Manga, Figure, or Character Items!

Valid for new orders of IN STOCK items only. Offer expires at midnight EST on March 28th

The Frog, The Dog & The Devil (Bob Stenhouse, 1986)

The Frog, the Dog, and the Devil

Bob Stenhouse offers an animated ode to the "nation of drunkards" (as New Zealand was tagged in the House of Lords in 1838). Set in 1902, a shepherd tricks a Mackenzie barman out of a bottle of ‘Hokonui Lightning', but too much pioneer spirit sees him haunted by the devil's daughter (or a case of delirium tremens). The Chicago Tribune called the macabre humour and distinctive look "lushly conceived". It won the Grand Prize at the Hamilton International Animation Festival (1986) in Canada, and was nominated for a 1986 Oscar for Best Short Film (Animated).

Questions from Kayla & Japanese Quake Relief Donations

Kayla from Texas sent these questions over today, and I decided to answer it here. I don't have that much time today, but I'm going to bang out a few things so hopefully this will help collectively answer some of the questions folks have been sending in over the last few days.

"hello, this is Kayla again. Just placed an order for Working, and looking forward to it. I know you sometimes place customer emails and topics in your blog, and I wanted to pose a question to you.

"As a longtime RACS customer, I first wanted to say thank you for the continued superior service. Your customer service, along with your all your multiple offerings make me return to your store instead of others over and over again. The recent events have caused me not only to send multiple emails to friends still living in Japan, but also started a strong desire to purchase more anime and Japanese goods during the last week."

Anyone who really wants to offer immediate help to the people in Japan effected by the recent crisis should give a generous donation to the Red Cross or another disaster relief agency directly involved with the relief efforts. Aside form the Nuclear plant problems that are getting 24/7 coverage on the news, there are hundreds of thousands of displaced people in Japan that desperately need food, water, medical supplies and other basic needs items like blankets and fuel for heating and emergency transportation.

Aid agencies, in conjunction with the Japanese government are in the best position to help deliver these supplies quickly. I suggest that people take a step back from their weekly Anime purchases and instead make a generous donation to a relief agency like the Red Cross - we have.

 Here are more agencies directly involved with relief efforts that need our help:

Red Cross - Text REDCROSS or 90999 to make $10 donation.

Save the Children - Toll free: 800-728-3843 or just text JAPAN to 20222 to donate.

Salvation Army -  Toll free: 800-SAL-ARMY or text QUAKE or 80888 to donate $10

International Medical Corps - Text MED or 80888 to donate $10

Doctors Without Borders

Global Giving - Text JAPAN or 50555 to donate $10

World Vision - Toll Free: 888-56-CHILD or text 4JAPAN to 20222 to donate $10

"Items that I've been putting off for a better paycheck seem more scarce to me now. While I've heard from some sellers that business in unaffected areas is doing its best to try to carry on as business as usual, I can't help to believe that certain Japanese goods, figures, and foods that I used to order from online might become scarce as Japan tries to focus on rebuilding, or if the nuclear crisis escalates even further to a level I'm too afraid to write about. I've already read online that some scheduled anime blu-ray releases (in Japan) have been understandably delayed to dates TBD. I keep reading about the mass Exodus from Tokyo and international residents leaving the country for home, even if they don't live in the affected areas."

I don't think anyone knows how this crisis will affect industry and business in Japan yet. Most Anime good created and sold in Japan are not produced in Japan, but are shipped in from factories in China. At this time all available resources of the country, including shipping, ports, and air fireght should be dedicated to relief efforts and not manufactured collectables.

Also, no one should be the least bit concerned about anything like BD delays, or when more episodes of their current Anime shows will be available. These folks out on the Anime forums bitching about the blackout in new episodes and fan subs going up on torrents and talking about how 'they are victims too' should have their heads examined. What a ridiculous thing to care about at a time like this.

"I read that you've made contact with friends and suppliers in Japan since these terrible events. Have you heard more news in the past week that reflect these fears??"

We have and we have put together a couple of air shipments of items specifically requested by some of our friends in Tokyo which we hope will get through OK. There is great concern in Tokyo over the current situation at the Nuclear plant, but there is also great concern over how this disaster will effect the country long term. The Japanese have one of the most cohesive societies on earth, but they are still very worried. I don't think the conflicting info they are getting from the government and the various news sources is helping the situation any. I mean the emperor addressed the nation yesterday - that's a huge big deal and should reveal a great deal about the current level of concern.

"Have you found that sales at RACS have significantly increased or decreased since recent events??"

So far things here continue as normal. We've been very busy this week, but I don't think it has anything to do with what's going on in Japan. Our markets are almost completely disconnected from the Japanese market other than suppliers for certain specific classes of items. We've had the NHK news feed up on the monitor here at the office constantly since Friday, and I think we have all found it very hard to work this week while watching this tragedy unfold.

"While I doubt US releases will be affected much, at least for the time being, I wonder about figures you receive directly from Japan."

US releases should not be effected at all, in fact, almost every US studio has shamelessly put out their June schedules this week, seemingly oblivious of events in Japan and the suffering of the Japanese people. The show must go on I suppose. The US studios supply of material has a very long tail, and they probably already have enough material in the pipeline to publish for a year without any new material being produced in Japan, so as you can see the two markets are almost completely disconnected.

For Japanese import goods like figures, the answer is interesting. There are two kinds of US dealers for Japanese figures. Businesses like us source only materials licensed for export by the Japanese producers, and order them directly from the producers to be imported through an authorized US distributor (AAA is one of the big ones, and so is Yamato USA and a couple others). The other kind of businesses are the ones that use the wholesale depts. at Japanese hobby shops (like HLJ or HS) to source their figures. These folks are sorta 'grey' marketers who end run any export restrictions or license obligations by buying (at a small discount) directly from Japanese retailers instead of wholesalers or producers.

Our figure business likely won't be affected at all. Almost all Anime figures are produced in China, and when we order them from the producers they usually ship to the US directly from the factories in China (generally through Hong Kong) and never see mainland Japan. The folks that source from stores directly in Japan may have months of supply headaches ahead of them, but I think our supply chain is fine.

The other thing about our supply chain is that it has a very long tail. We order figures 6-8 months in advance of delivery. At the time of the disaster in Japan, our next shipment was already in CA clearing customs, the one behind that is currently on a container ship crossing the Pacific, and the one behind that is being collected at an export warehouse in Hong Kong for Max Factory or Good Smile. Most likely the folks that source directly from Japanese retailers encounter the bulk of the supply problems for new products like these.

One last business point. We fix our pricing several months in advance of delivery to protect ourselves from currency fluctuations. Folks that pay in Yen as they go and don't have price protections in place are going to get creamed while the Japanese repatriate Yen for relief efforts making the Dollar/Yen exchange rate deteriorate even further. You see the Yen get down to around 75 to the dollar and you'll see a lot of smaller US based Japanese goods businesses checking out of this market because the goods (whatever they are) will just become too expensive. I guarantee we won't be in a position to place any significant orders for import good like CD's or Japanese BD releases until the exchange rate improves, but fortunately this is only a tiny portion of put overall business.

"I also wonder about how much effort will be vested in making new anime down the line as the country tries to put things back together?? Any thoughts??"

That will depend entirely on the Japanese economy and how quickly they recover from this disaster. Anime demand in Japan will likely be suppressed for some time to come as a large portion of the country focuses on buying basic needs. The Japanese economy may even also face another recession, and many of the Anime producers in Japan are not in strong financial positions as it is. But Anime will be solely dependant on the Japanese market as to what happens. We'll have to wait and see, but no one should be focusing on this sorta thing at this point anyway. If it was CA, and LA was effected, the last thing on anyone’s mind should be how soon Hollywood will be making movies again.

I'll make some more comments when I have more time. In the mean time, please think about those donation links I posted.

Matt Dixon, Master artist interview

Interview with master artist Matt Dixon.

Matt Dixon long association with the games industry began in 1988. He has worked on various titles for almost every major gaming platform since then. He was employed by one of the UK's largest independent games developers for more than a decade, initially as a production artist, then as an art lead. During that time he involved with numerous high profile game and movie licenses, including Harry Potter, Crash Bandicoot, Spyro the Dragon and Pirates of the Caribbean.

I remembered seeing the art of Matt Dixon 6-7 years back on art forum. I always wonder how does he do it? I love his stuff. And I have been following his work since then. And today, he is kind enough to spare his time for a short interview with

1. How and why did you want to become a Concept Artist?

Matt Dixon: I wish I could say that being a concept artist was a childhood dream and that I worked for years to hone my skills in preparation for my role as an adventurer on the creative frontier, sharpening my blade of art on the stone of ambition and stuffing my backpack with the treasure of hard-earned knowledge. It would be far more interesting than the truth, which is simply that I stumbled into the role of concept artist entirely by accident. When I started in the videogame industry back in the 1980's development teams were very small, sometimes just two or three guys. In those days the nearest we came to concept art was a ballpoint pen doodle on a beer mat in the pub at lunch time to help get someone's idea about a game mechanic across, and it was just as likely to be scribbled out by a coder as an artist. I'd been working in the industry for several years before team sizes, technology and organisation reached a point where more formal and deliberate communication became necessary. As I was in a senior role at the time, it fell to me to update those beer mat doodles to pencil sketches. Over time the pencil gave way to digital art and eventually I found myself working as a concept artist full time. It took me almost twenty years to realise that's what I wanted to do..!

copyright artwork by Matt Dixon

2. What is your first art job and how did you start?

Matt Dixon: The answer to this question depends on how you define 'job'. I had a number of small paid gigs while I was still a teenager - painting leather jackets, designing band flyers and t-shirts, pixel artwork for computer games - though my day job at the time was working in a guitar shop. I suppose my first proper art job came when an old friend called me up to offer me an artist position at the videogame developer he'd started. I jumped at the chance and stayed with that company for over a decade. Without that phone call, or the support of those guys in the years that followed I wouldn't be where I am now.

3. Where do you get your inspiration from?

Matt Dixon: Who knows? Definately not me, and I'm not sure any artist can define this with certainty. There's no one place or thing that I can rely on for inspiration, and I try not to analyse the process too closely - I don't want to go prodding around in my brain and break something. What I try to do is keep my noggin well fertilised with plenty of imaginative stuff - a compost of artwork, photography and movies and lots and lots of music - and just hope that ideas continue to sprout. I think it also helps to try and stay tuned in to the possibility of inspiration at all times - if I'm in the right mood, a walk around the park, a journey on the bus or even a trip to the shop for milk can all spark interesting ideas.

type oh
copyright artwork by Matt Dixon

4. To you, what are the three most important elements in painting or concept art in general?

Matt Dixon: The three C's. Communication. The function of all concept art is to communicate ideas - so effective communication is essential and should always be the artist's primary consideration. Clarity. Art travels at the speed of light but the longer it takes the viewer's brain to decode all that stuff that's just squeezed in through their eyes the less effective it will be, concept art should be clear and easy to read. Cool. Hey, it's got to look bad ass, right? Right!

copyright artwork by Matt Dixon

5. What would you suggest to young artists on how to get start and become the better artist?

Matt Dixon: The three P's! Practice. Presentation. Perseverance. Practice should be your number one priority. If you're not eating, sleeping or attending to your body's natural functions then are you doing something which means more to you than improving your skills as an artist? Probably not. Go find a pencil. Presentation is more important than many budding concept artists seem to think - obviously your portfolio should be focused, well organised and neat, but it's equally important that you present yourself well. Concept artists aren't rock stars, they're creative professionals who are often expected to work long hours under a great deal of pressure to hit extremely challenging deadlines - present yourself in a manner that gives a potential employer confidence that you can handle everything they could throw at you. Perseverance - don't give up! The market is extremely competetive and the standard is frighteningly high but the work is out there. Stick with it. It's worth it.

Now you all heard, "Practice is your number one priority!" go draw!

Thanks again to Master artist, Matt Dixon.  You can go see more of his work at 
And you can also buy his awesome book here: "Girls on Top"

Naruto manga 532 descargar y online español

Hola amigos de nuevo el capitulo semanal del manga, espero que lo disfruten, sigan vsiitando Estrenos Anime.



Leer online clik aqui

Naruto Shippuden 203 descargar y online español

Hola amigos de nuevo el capitulo de la semana, Sasuke contra los Kages, disfrutenlo juas.



Goscik 10 descargar y online español

Hola amigos aqui esta el capitulo que debio salir la semana pasada, a causa de la catastrofe se retraso hasta hoy, disfrutenlo juas.






Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas - Meiou Shinwa Dai-2 -Shou Cap 16 descarga (online)

Hola amios os dejo la continuación de los especiales (OVAS) después de que la serie que habia finalizado de 13 capitulos juas.



Bleach manga 441 descargar y online español

descargar español

Hola amigos de nuevo el capitulo semanal de Bleach, disfrutenlo y sigan visitando Estrenos Anime.





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Madame Tutli-Putli

Madame Tutli Putli from peter bas on Vimeo.

Woot! Found the whole thing!

Benoit Pioulard // "Lasted"

Benoit Pioulard // "Lasted" from Church and Steak on Vimeo.

Spot the famous movie!


Junkspace from CRCR on Vimeo.

Funimation's June Releases - Now Available for Pre-Order!

Everyone seems to be in a hurry to get their new schedules out this week, so when it rains it pours! We've also laid our hands on Funimation's June release schedule, and we now have them up on the store site for pre-order.

Here's what's coming:

Dragonball Z Kai Season 1 Part 5 DVD Boxed Set (Eps #53-65) - Jun 7th
Dragonball Z Kai Season 1 Part 5 DVD Boxed Set (Eps #53-65) (BLURAY) - Jun 7th
Tenchi Muyo Ryo Ohki Complete DVD Boxed Set (Classic Collection)- Jun 7th
TO (Tou) Anime Movie DVD/BLURAY Combo Pack- Jun 7th
Tsubasa Season 1 Collection DVD Box Set (Eps #1-26) (S.A.V.E. Edition) - Jun 7th
Tsubasa Season 1 Collection DVD Box Set (BLURAY) (S.A.V.E. Edition) - Jun 7th
Dance in the Vampire Bund Complete Collection DVD/BLURAY Combo Set (Limited Edition) - Jun 14th
Fruits Basket Complete Collection DVD Boxed Set (Collectors Edition) - Jun 14th
Last Exile Complete Collection DVD Boxed Set (Classic Collection) - Jun 14th
Blue Gender Complete Collection DVD Boxed Set + Movie (Classic Collection) - Jun 21st
Baka and Test Complete Collection DVD/BLURAY Combo Set (Eps #1-13) (Limited Edition) - Jun 28th
Gungrave Complete Collection DVD Boxed Set (Classic Collection) - Jun 28th
Gungrave Complete Collection DVD Boxed Set (BLURAY) (Classic Collection) - Jun 28th
Rideback Complete Collection DVD/BLURAY Combo Set (Eps #-1-13) (Limited First Pressing) - Jun 28th
Sgt Frog (Keroro Gunso) Season 3 Part 1 DVD Boxed Set (Eps #52-64) - Jun 28th

So, a few notes and observations:

1) The original release of Rideback set for April 12th has been scrubbed and a new DVD/BLURAY combo set put in it's place, new streeting on Jun 28th. The price is the same, so all existing pre-orders for the old version will automatically be upgraded to the new version scheduled for Jun.

2) We will only be offering the Limited First Pressing version of both Dance in the Vampire Bund and Baka and Test for pre-order. As always, we are pricing this version at the same price at the regular edition which we will not offer until the limited version is sold out.

3) Funimation is showing some 'corporate' level decision making (i.e. not smart) to re-release the Tsubasa S.A.V.E. edition as separate seasons when they have already released a 'complete' collection of the series. I think the nice 'Collected Memories' edition still offers the best value, and we will keep this version in stock as long as possible. I recommend you pass on the upcoming S.A.V.E. version unless you absolutely don't care about anything except 'cheap'.

4) Funi has added a BD version of Gungrave to the schedule along side the prevously delayed DVD re-release. Both of these are being re-streeted under the 'Classics' label, as are Last Exile and Tenchi Ryo-Ohki

5) I'm not sure what the Fruits Basket 'Collectors' edition is going to entail yet, but we should find out in the next couple of days. All we know right now is that it will be released at a higher price than the previous Viridian edition, so hopefully the contents of this version will justify that.

6) Glad to see the DVD/BD 'combo packs' taking hold.

7) All you loli fans out there can rejoice - Dance in the Vampire Bund will be 100% UNCUT.


The year 2068. Human kind has established a moon colony with a vast population of 300,000 inhabitants. They need supplies and the easiest way to send them is via the Moonlight Bazooka, a gas propelled launcher that shots the containers to the moon orbit. Then one day the 078962-EK ship, best known as the ghost ship Flying Dutchman docks after a 15 year travel carrying the most precious energy resource known by humanity. Space travel is cruel since the travelers only age 2 years while the rest of humanity ages 15 in the process. The second OVA takes place around 100 years later, humanity now is trying to establish colonies around other stellar systems, but still they don't travel as one and carry their national identities and the seed of war. The planet where they find the most suitable colonization terrains soon shows them that living as separate beings in the universe is not a good way to survive.

Dance in the Vampire Bund

Mina Tepes, the Princess of the ancient covenant and ruler of all vampires, wants her race to stop hiding from the humans. Using her vast wealth, she has paid off Japan's entire national debt and by doing so, gained the right to create a district off Japan's coast that is to become the future haven to vampires worldwide. But when she finally attempts to make public the existence of vampires to the world some politicians, terrorists and rival factions are plotting to assassinate Mina before she has a chance to get Japan's and International recognition for the Vampire Bund. Now she must rely on her strength, cruelty and those closest to her, while trying to make a normal life.

Baka and Test

Advanced placement into a school of higher grade proof-reading is determined by the results of the Promotion Test strictly for class type. Ranging from A class with the best facilities anyone can offer all the way down to F Class which is composed of low dining tables, rotten tatami mats and other worn out facilities. Students can change classes by competing using the Examination Summons Battle system or ESB. Students summon characters with their equivalent test mark scores and use them to compete with other classes.


Spiral from Matt Clark on Vimeo.

Could be CGI. Could be claymation. You decide.

Section 23 June Releases - Now Available for Pre-Order!

We've gotten Section 23's June release schedule, and it's an outstanding list! We now have these up on the store site for pre-order - here's what's coming:

Maid Sama (Kaichô wa Maid-sama!) Collection #1 DVD (Eps #1-13) - June 7th
Demon King Daimao Complete Collection DVD (Eps #1-12) - June 14th
Demon King Daimao Complete Collection (BLURAY) (Eps #1-12) - June 14th
You're Under Arrest Full Throttle Complete Collection DVD (Eps #1-24) - June 21st
High School of the Dead Complete Collection DVD (Eps #1-12) - June 28th
High School of the Dead Complete Collection (BLURAY) (Eps #1-12) - June 28th

Maid Sama

Getting sent to Seika High School is scary enough if you're a guy, but now that the notorious former boys' school has gone coed, the unfortunate girls who've been enrolled there have only one goal - getting through each day as it comes. But into this untamed and testosterone-filled wilderness comes a girl on a mission; a girl who's not afraid of any male and is willing to take them on in that most deadly of all arenas: the Student Council! As Seika's first ever female president, Misaki Ayuzawa talks the talk and walks the walk, but after school hours she morphs into something rather different… a waitress at a maid café! So when cool, aloof and handsome Usui Takumi discovers Misaki's secret, things are going to get VERY interesting, very quickly! The blackboard jungle's about to bloom with some decidedly feminine touches, because sometimes it takes a maid to maintain order!

Demon King Daimao

After enrolling at the Constant Magic Academy, Akuto Sai discovers he's not just a gifted student with magical powers, he's destined to become the Demon King. And though he's not that crazy about the idea, it drives the girls wild! From the sexy school girls in his class to the skin-obsessed android who's programmed to seduce him, Akuto has no shortage of wacky girl trouble. How much temptation can a demon king take? How much naughty anime antics can you handle? Find out in Demon King Daimao!

High School of the Dead

It began without warning. It continues without mercy. Now a band of high schoolers join forces with guns, swords, baseball bats and anything else they can get their hands on to battle a bloodthirsty, flesh-hungry zombie apocalypse. Slashing action, stunning animation, and jawdropping excitement make HIGH SCHOOL OF THE DEAD the most hotly anticipated adventures of the year. For horror fans and animation addicts alike, nothing offers the high-energy adrenaline of HIGH SCHOOL OF THE DEAD!

One Piece manga 618 descargar y online español

Hola amigos de nuevo el capitulo de esta semana, disfrutenlo juas.




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Mongol soldier quick paint over step by step

Mongol soldier quick paint over step by step. Here is another re-paint of one of my older sketch from 2007, how to draw manga comic Mongol warrior.  I sketch it really quick in photoshop way back then.  It took me less then 20 minutes and I thought it has a potential to be flesh out a bit more.  I finally get some time to get around to paint over the Mongol soldier.  In similar fashion to a few posts earlier, how to draw barbarian warrior, I plan to paint over or re-paint more of my older works that I've never have time to actually finish them how they intended to be.

In this one, I also try to experiment more with lighting.  It turns out close to what I want, but I should have spend more time doing research and paint.  But a few hours in, I had to put my Wacom tablet down because I am really hungry.  Also I have to follow my schedule and go run for a few miles.  I do run almost every day if I've never mention.

Anyway, I am trying to experiment more with different lighting situation.  Like the previous draw barbarian warrior, I am trying to push my speedpainting on to a different direction of what I usually do.  In this one, I have the Mongol soldier's back toward the wall that cast shadow, but the bright afternoon light is coming from his right hand side.  I am trying to get my quick painting be a bit more dramatic than usual easy pin up.  And I have no idea what to put in front of him at the time.  So I have some sort of werewolf or werebear creature facing against him to create tension in the quick illustration.

After all, I learn one important thing.  I have to paint more and look for some lighting sample or reference.  I will eventually polish the Mongol and the barbarian up when I have some more time, but today... this is it.

BTW: A quick plug here,  on our toolbar below there is a donate button you can donate to Japan Earthquake via Redcross.  Or you can text REDCROSS to 90999 to Give $10 Japan Earthquake and Pacific Tsunami from your cellphone.

 Here is a final quick paint over Mongol soldier (2011 version)

Here is the Mongol soldier from 2008 sketch.  To see drawing video tutorial go how to draw manga comic Mongol warrior

Below are my step by step painting process images
illustration step by step

illustration cg tutorial

Here is a close up, you can see brush strokes and how messy it is.
brush strokes digital

Here is the final Mongol soldier
mongol soldier digital painting
Here is a full size image of Mongol soldier

Free Download 30 mins of Video tutorialsFree Drawing Tutorial video download

American Pop (1981)

Sony has been digging around its vaults and putting some treasures online, uncut even. And while I'm not a huge fan of American Pop it does have it's moments. The rotoscoping reminds me of Linklater's A Scanner Darkly. The story, covering generations through American history, is very much like Coppola's Godfather. The same year Disney would release The Fox and The Hound, which should give you a rough idea of where animation was at the time. Bakshi's last animated feature had been Lord of the Rings, which had had some mild success. There had been some expectation of more Tolkenesque movies and that certainly wasn't what American Pop delivered.

I do remember seeing American Pop on the VHS rental shelves back when I worked at the video store. And I recall it didn't get a lot of rentals. I know my first viewing didn't connect. I was a kid and American Pop bored me, which makes sense. American Pop is very much a movie aimed at an adult audience. Bakshi doesn't aim low here. He's not interested in holding your hand, even at the risk of losing you. If I can point to a problem with the movie I'd have to say it's the lead characters. By the time we get to the 70s and Pete the dope pusher I'm pretty much checked out. I just don't care if Pete gets that record contract. He's just not a likable guy and I can't find anything besides the music to relate to the guy. Or maybe that's the point.

Question. Do animation fans like this movie?

Bleach anime 313 descargar y online español

Hola amigos les dejo el capitulo de la semana, disfrutenlo y sigan visitando Estrenos Anime.





Be a Dentist

Love this movie. But why does it make me think of this:

Is there some secret message going on here?

Rio - Rainbow Gate! 11 descargar y online español

Hola amigos les dejo el capitulo 11 de esta serie, disfrutenlo y sigan visitando Estrenos Anime.







Nightmarish stuff. This won the Oscar, by the way. This is how to use CGI effectively.

Fairy Tail manga 226 descargar y online español

Hola amigos les dejo el capitulo de la semana para su disfrute, gracias por visitar Estrenos Anime.




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Something worth knowing

They are a rockin' group.


Synchromy (Norman McLaren, 1971)

The pre-2600 of it's day!

Hot Stuff (Zlatko Grgic, 1971)

Gods of the universe make the biggest mistake of them all!

What On Earth! (Les Drew/Kaj Pindal, 1966)

A team of Martian scientists conclude their study of the "earthing" and his way of life in this ducu-mated film!

Invasion of the Space Lobersters (Janet Perlman, 2005)

Something cute I found today!

Level E 10 descargar y online español

Hola amigos les dejo el segundo capitulo de extraterrestres, juas disfrutenlo.



Tegami Bachi Reverse 23 descargar y online español

descargar español

Hola amigos dabamos este capitulo por omitido pero no parece que si salio aunque retrasado, espero que lo disfruten juas.


Más tarde más opciones y el online.

Fairy Tail anime 70 descargar y online español

Hola amigos de nuevo el capitulo de la semana retrasado por la tragedia, pero aqui esta, disfrutenlo juas.





Well, I am feeling VERY trippy tonight

L' Incal by CthulhU

I could go into more detail, but it might bore you.

Ahhhh! Run away!

"The Music Scene" from Anthony Francisco Schepperd on Vimeo.

Run, deer! Run, bear!

Time to learn something

Interestingly enough (if you're into that sort of thing), Canadian rail-lines are why we now have time zones.

Hen Hop (1942)

Made by drawing directly on the film. No camera.

Walking (1968)

There is no rotoscoping or motion capture in this film. This was hand drawn by a person who understood how humans move.

There's some nudity, of the cartoon variety. Nothing worse than anything you'd see at an art museum.

Digital Painting workshop 8 weeks course online


This is an eight-week online class meeting once a week. Each session will alternate between eight master instructors and feature a unique lecture and painting demonstration. At the end of each lecture, the instructor will announce an assignment that pertains to their demo that week. Students can post their assignments in our forums, receive critiques, interact with classmates, and of course ask questions.

This is your opportunity to really learn digital painting from the most sought after professional master artists in the video games and movies industry.  It doesn't get any better than this!  Go learn from my mentor and colleagues super badass concept artists/ master artists from NCsoft and ArenaNet.
Click here for more info

Master Instructors for this course will be:

Daniel Dociu, Cheif Art Director, NCsoft North America

Kekai Kotaki, Concept Art Lead, ArenaNet

Richard Anderson, Cinematic Concept Artist, ArenaNet

Horia Dociu, Cinematic Team Lead, ArenaNet

Jason Stokes, Lead Prototype Artist, ArenaNet / Owner, FuturePoly

Levi Hopkins, Concept Artist, ArenaNet

Thomas Scholes, Freelance Concept Artist

Matthew Barrett, Concept Artist, ArenaNet

A few of the perks:
+ LIVE classes with audience participation. Students can ask questions
via mic or chat room (this is NOT a pre-recorded workshop).
+ Miss a class? Each demo will be available to rewatch for the duration of the
+ Structured syllabus with a focus on student interaction and assignments.
PDF version of syllabus
+ Pants optional.

8 weeks / Saturdays / 10:00am - 1:00pm (PST)

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Space IS limited - we want everyone to get a chance to ask questions and get feedback. Register now to save your spot!

INCEPTION in 60 Seconds

For those of us in a hurry.

Media Blasters June Releases - Now Available for Pre-Order!

We've posted Media Blasters June releases, and we now have these releases up on the store site for pre-order. Sorry it took a few days, we've been a bit distracted since Friday. Anyway, here's what's coming:

Kanokon: The Girl Who Cried Fox OVA DVD - June 21st
Magical Witch Punie-Chan OVA (Special Edition) DVD - June 28th

The Magical Witch 'Special Edition' does not include any extra content, but will be getting a dub so this edition is more correctly the 'biligual' release of the OVA. They did also solicit the Moribito: Guardian of the Spirit Complete Collection DVD Boxed Set (Eps #1-26) (Lite Box) (AWDVD-0939), however, this item was previously released and has never 'not' been available (we have them in stock), so I didn't include it on the list.

Oniichan no Koto Nanka Zenzen Suki Janain Dakara ne!! 10 descargar y online español

Hola amigos otro episodio más de estos hermanitos saliditos, disfrutenlo juas.





Starry Sky 12 descargar y online español

Hola amigos de nuevo otro episodio de estos chicos Kawaiii!, disfrutenlo.


Please, don't ask me. I don't know.


Lightheaded from Mike Dacko on Vimeo.

There's two ways to spread light in the world: be a candle or a mirror.



The Backwater Gospel from The Animation Workshop on Vimeo.

5 ways to avoid smearing when you draw.

5 ways to avoid smearing when you draw. No matter how good of an artist you are, accidental smear and smudge will happen when you are drawing with graphite pencil or chacoal. It is hard to avoid, all we could do is to be careful and keep the accidental smearing to the minimum. The more experience you are, the more you will learn how to deal with it. I just got a few e-mails asking me this obvious question that I've never occurred to me in a long time. Anyway, there are 5 tips I can tell you and will keep your drawing clean and keep the smear and smudge to the minimum.

1) Be careful where you rest your palm, try not to rest your palm and drag it against the paper you drawn on. As you move across the paper, be alert and lift your palm instead of rub it against the paper. What I usually do also is I will try to work from left to right since I am right handed. So my palm will be less likely to rub against the already drawn graphite. If you are left handed, you probably want to work from right to left.

2) If I am doing a 3-5 hours drawing and shading (which is rare nowadays), I will put a piece of clean smooth white paper in between my hand and the drawing. This helps reduce the accidental smearing really well, just make sure the paper stays in place and don't drag it along as you draw.

3) Get a can of Workable Fixatif. You have to make sure you get the workable kind. It is a really great tool when spray coating which prevents smearing. Once spray the drawing can still be erased, and you can draw over it. Though make sure you spray it thin enough. If you spray too much coat the drawing can be very difficult to work on.

4) On sketchbook page, if you finish a page, make sure to coat it with matte finish. It is different than fixatif. This spray will permanently coat your work. It is a very good material to keep your sketchbook clean and your sketches will last longer and never get smeared.

5) Do not erase so much because it can ruin your paper surface. And it is better to clean eraser crumbs with brush rather than wipe them off with your hand.

Hope these tips help,

FREE DOWNLOAD, Over 30 mins of Video TutorialsFree Drawing Tutorial video download

Fun AND pretty

Mazes from Treat on Vimeo.

Best watched in full screen.

Dang nuns

The Saga Of Biorn from The Animation Workshop on Vimeo.

Cave Nudes!

Something I had the meaning to post last year to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of our Modern Stone-Age Family, but lost track of time and just had to remember it, so here you go (albeit, modified to leave more to the imagination)! Drawn by a little known drone of a former animation studio in the days before impressing millions with a tale about two lower life forms!

I watched this on purpose

The Monitors is now on instant view at Netwflix.

I guess I was twenty minutes into this movie when I started to think about how to produce it on stage. It would have saved us from a lot of the annoying montages and flashbacks.

Harry is a pilot, who's had multiple confirmed kills during his career. He's hired to fly Barbara around for some film she's working on, but she's a douche about it and gets him fired. Peter Boyle gives Harry his last paycheck.

Harry lives at home with his annoying brother Max, who wants to be a comedian, and their mom, who watches TV. She watched Alan Arkin give a speech about how the Monitors are very clean and how sanitation workers are treated better.

The Monitors are very nice guys in black turtle-necks and bowler hats who are in charge of everything. Barbara works for them on the side and is trying to recruit Harry.

A street-preacher starts a riot and the Monitors break it up with sleepy-spray, knocking out Max. Harry and Barbara drag Max off, but Harry hits a Monitor with sleepy-spray, so he's a wanted man now. The street-preacher is actually part of an underground movement to overthrow the Monitors and kidnaps everyone (at gun-point) into his incredibly large car, while quoting Thomas Jefferson. They drive a car off the road and Harry jumps out to save the occupants (Monitors) and is captured.

Harry is put in an education camp, where he meets Mona, who shows him how to escape. Barbara is threatened by Mona and takes Harry to bed. He finds out she's working for the Monitors and gets pissed off. Barbara, Mona, Max, and Harry steal a helicopter and go see the president, who is lame.

The general of the anti-Monitor organization is tied up by a colonel and they steal a bomb. Harry activates the bomb and flies it to the Monitor headquarters with Barbara in tow.

The Monitors explain how everyone sucks and how they will die, but not kill. The bomb is a dud. The Monitors leave, the president is placed back in power, and there's a war. The end.

I have to say, you don't get the sense that the Monitors are aliens until the last few minutes. They're just guys who took over and are nice to everyone. The most jarring thing about the movie are the radio-jingles that talk about how great the Monitors are. When they leave, it's very sudden.

This is a preachy film with a lot of very good people in minor roles and very minor people in big roles. There are flashbacks that have no business being there. The pacing is weird. The music gets annoying.

I would say "watch it" only to say you have. You can fast-forward large parts, but I'd love to see it re-edited into a shorter and more effective film.

Freezing 10 descargar y online español

Hola amigos de nuevo el capitulo de esta semana, disfrutenlo juas.




Saint Seiya The Lost Canvas 219 descargar y online español

Hola amigos de nuevo otro capitulo más tras la demora, disfrutenlo juas.


Leer online clik aqui.

To aru Majutsu no Index II 22 descargar y online español

Hola amigos les dejo el capitulo de la semana, disfrutenlo y gracias por sus visitas.




Bakuman manga 124 descargar y online español

Hola amigos de nuevo el capitulo de la semana, disfrutenlo y sigan visitando Estrenos Anime.



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