Amazing Robot that looks like human

Amazing Robot that looks like human.  It's true.  If you ever watch Blade Runner, Alien, AI and Terminator, the vision is coming true. These are real human look alike androids. A little creepy but amazing. It’s actually called a Geminoid, which is a lifelike robot created to look exactly like its master. Geminoids are controlled by a computer system that replicates movements. The video shows the latest version of a concept started in 2005. This guy actually remind me of Bishop, the android from Aliens.  It is a little creepy looking, but certainly it looks so close to real human with if facial movement.

Watch this robot, it will blow you away.

For real?
Wow, I never thought I would be able to see a real robot that look like human in my life time. Like I said in my previous post on robots, skynet is coming and the day of terminator is near.

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