ACen Hell: From BatBoy to Forklifts

Hello folks,

I'd like to thank everyone in the audience for making this year's Anime Hell at ACen a very fun time not only for everyone else, but especially for me as well. I had a great and manic time at the mixing deck controls and behind the mic. The energy of the crowd was beyond amazing, and getting to lead the 1500+ in the audience in singing 'Fish! Fish! Fish!' was certainly grin-inducing indeed.

Hell was set in the 10pm-Midnight slot, which i was able to start right on the nose. I debuted the Anime Hell Slide Show (like movie theater pre-movie slides) as the crowd entering/warmup tech/stage changeover went on in the ~9:30-10 timeframe.

oh, and to the woman who yelled that she wanted to bear Heino's children, I'm both disturbed and yet oddly intrigued by that remark.


Here's the rough set list of what i ran this year at Anime Hell, with a * indicating it was a clip new to ACen this year, as you can see, quite a lot of new material was in the mix. As expected, Stapler Fahrer Klaus was the featured success, though so many of the old & new stuff got such good response it was by no means a runaway.

/link for the forum post with the full set list/


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