Animazement 2K5

Though the real Hell action is no doubt north of the border this weekend, Phil Lee sends me to send word of Hell at Animazement 2005 in Raleigh, North Carolina on Friday. He has a very musical Hell in the works, it sounds like, with lots of weird music videos, some East Indian stuff involving tractors in some fashion, mannequin family sitcoms, Bob Sapp guest-starring on the live-action You're Under Arrest, Survival Tobita versus Ken the Box on the high-school gym mats of the Saitama Pro-Wrestling Corporation, and other good stuff. Friday at 11PM in the main auditorium, assuming they manage to kick out the karaoke contest on time this year.

Because I happened to have the art lying around from this month's OPM anime column, Captain Tylor subs in for the original centerpiece to the flyer, which was deemed too fascist for prime time.


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