Halloween Specials That Time Forgot: The Scooby-Doo Project

In the fall of 1999, four teenaged sleuths and their Great Dane got lost in the woods while in search of a mystery.

This is their story.

Once in a while something unique pops up on TV that you wish you had seen again, and this one has been gone for a good decade so I figure it deserves a shout-out on it's 10th anniversary!

Most people here know I don't watch TV anymore, but back when I still had some faith left in it, CN put out what I felt was a brilliant marketing stunt one Halloween back in 1999. Unlike some previous ones they had surrounding doing a Scooby-Doo marathon, they took a cue from that year's most unique horror film and put out a rather flattering parody on it. Some of the promos leading up to or playing during it also were very clever and well-executed. Wished it was still this way today.

Click HERE for the film!
Click HERE for the promos!

Well that should be all for now. Got Thanksgiving coming up if I can muster the strength to do that!


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