Prince Planet Returns!

Great news everybody! Starting today you can watch Prince Planet on Hulu!

Starting Monday November 9th 2009, 46 episodes of Prince Planet will be released on Hulu and YouTube. It's been thirty years since Prince Planet last aired on American television. Now, after years in MGM's archives, this fondly remembered series is zooming out of the vaults and onto your monitors in a new, digitally restored version! This is part of an ongoing plan on the part of MGM to re-release classics from their archive.

To celebrate this monumentous occasion Let's Anime is running a contest.
The first five people to send Let's Anime their original Prince Planet fan art drawing will receive a Prince Planet T-shirt.
So, break out your Blackwing 602 pencils, or your favorite drawing implement, and try your hand at some Prince Planet fanart and your chance for a Prince Planet T-Shirt. And remember, no one can compare to the prince who wears the medallion on his chest!


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