How to draw a girl. (Quick Sketch)

How to draw girl: Basic Tutorial using Photoshop or other medium.

The principle are the same, only different is the tool you choose to execute. It does not make much different once you know the principle, only to get use to the tool

Below is my first video tutorial on a quick thumbnail comp sketch of an Amazonian woman. Thumbnail comp is quick and easy and shouldn't take longer than five minutes of the artist time.

The purpose is to capture what is it that you want to visually represent in a big picture before you eventually start on a big picture. Lots of thumbnails will help you carve out your imagination stream in the quickest way.
Before I start concepting any character or environment, I (and many great artists who tough me) usually start out with small thumbnail to get as many idea as possible. It could also help you find the best position and composition in the rectangular area you are working with. Most of the assignment I receive I will usually have to do ton of sketch comps pick the best one out of three or five, then represent it to my client before I can actually start illustrating and finalize it. Once in a while I will just crank out ten to twenty thumbnail then save it for later use.

In this particular one I will show you how to do a quick thumb comp + quick sketch of a female figure.

1) On the figure I usually start with spine line (but in this case, I randomly draw the head first.) then I will define the shoulder and hip. For female figure I believe it's necessary to accentuate the "C" or "S" curve on her pose. In this case it a reverse "C" on her torso.

2) I go the refine her facial position a little bit, then both arms I am trying to find something simple to illustrate but interesting at the same time so I thought I'll have her hold a spear.

3) Now I add her right leg and with the relation to her torso, it make the "S" shape (if you look from her shoulder to her right thigh.

4) After I got her pose figure out, I just go in for quick minor correction and detail.

5) Then I will find something interesting to add onto the figure, like skirt, guantlets, etc. Something that will make it a little more interesting than just a plane figure (think in term of value and silhouette, not the actual object itself.)

6)Then I will begin to add value and find the light source to the overall picture and play around to see with would make it look best in that rectangle.

7) Aha! The key is quick, readbility and try to find interesting comp/value. And if it looks good small, then it will looks great BIG!

For more tutorials HERE: Tutotial Section
Hope that is useful for you guys out there!

Have a great day!


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