How to draw a Giant Creature: Painting Step by step Tutorial: Girls Keeper Monster.

how to draw, how to draw face, girl's face, photoshop tutorial, concept art, how to draw creature, people, girls, manga, animeHey boys and girls,
This tutorial is from the previous pic that I post a few days ago. I have this idea about the creature or monster race that consume girls body into itself and use them as energy source and walk around with bodies all over it. It came to me when I was about falling asleep sketching. Andrew Jones (Android) actually told me about this trick a few years back at the sushi place. He was talking about if you sketch during you are half asleep, you can actually came up with something wicked. He also said he got it from Ian McCaig (Iain McCaig). So thanks to those guys, I actually found it really useful when I try to come up with something out there. They called it "Lucid Sketch".
Anyway, the final image, which took me a few hours to finish, turn out to be one of my favorite.
and here it is a step by step.

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1) I scanned in the really loose sketch I had from my Lucid drawing. I set the sketch on a separate layer as multiply (or overlay whatever reads better) on top of the desaturated cool tone the background. Then I painted underneath the sketch layer to fill in the simple shape and
check the composition if it would work. how to draw, how to draw face, girl's face, photoshop tutorial, concept art, how to draw creature, people, girls, manga, anime
2) Then I collapsed all the layer (I don't like working in layers in Photoshop, I like to make it feel like I can actually paint). This stage I assign shape, value and color, make it simple and soft as if in oil painting we called under painting. At this stage you can see that I painted out big shape or blocking it out. Look at the arm, shoulder of the monster and the girl. Do not worry about the detail, just think over all pic.3) After that, I zoom out and take a look and if it's readable, I will go in and tighten up the big shape and assigning darker and lighter value...though still maintain the big shape and look for overall to draw, how to draw face, girl's face, photoshop tutorial, concept art, how to draw creature, people, girls, manga, anime4) Then if the overall image looks ok, I will go in and start filling in detail it deserves. On this one I start out with or around its focal point. I am freshing out its fangs, head and around. From this stage, I will usually expand the detail painting from the focal point. Try to maintain the value (it's crucial). I sometimes tend to go over. Keep the value under or level with the already fresh out area you finished to maintain the overall to draw, how to draw face, girl's face, photoshop tutorial, concept art, how to draw creature, people, girls, manga, anime5) As you can see, I expand the detail painting from the mouth all the way down to its shoulder, arm, and around. Then I start freshing out the girls on its back and try not to over do her. Think big shapes and don't get cough up in detail. I keep all the value under control on this one. (Keep in mind when paint in digital, sometimes you get carry away with too much because you can mix or pick the color that doesn't really exist and it will unbalance the over all image.) Keep your palette within existing color scheme of the image, use your under painting as a palette. Do not go too high in to draw, how to draw face, girl's face, photoshop tutorial, concept art, how to draw creature, people, girls, manga, anime6) Here it is. I add a few more things on the final stage. But before that, remember to check it in gray scale, flip the image and work on it for a while. If everything looks alright, then take step 4, 5, and finally get overall picture detail up the the level like I fresh out the girl on the bottom and fresh out some part of the monster body, nothing big just have to bring it out to balance the overall image and readability. I also add some quick warm under lighting to accentuate it a nice silhouette and set some mood.
And hope the tutorial helpful to you.

Drawing Software & Tools I used:
-Adobe Photoshop CS2
-Wacom Intuos3 6X8 Pen Tablet

Have a great labor day weekend!


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