1. Yasashii Uso Original Mix
2. Yasashii Uso w/z Nina Antalk
3. Yasashii Uso w/z Felli Loss
4. Yasashii Uso w/z Leerin Marfes
5. Yasashii Uso w/z Nina Antalk instrumental
6. Yasashii Uso w/z/o Nina Antalk instrumental
7. Yasashii Uso w/z Felli Loss instrumental
8. Yasashii Uso w/z/o Felli Loss instrumental
9. Yasashii Uso w/z Leerin Marfes instrumental
10. Yasashii Uso w/z/o Leerin Marfes instrumental
11. Yasashii Uso Inst. Synth ver.
12. Yasashii Uso Inst.
8/10 This is quite an addictive song... I love all the different versions of this song, since all of them are pure pleasure. The main vocalist has a great voice. His voice kind of reminds me of another singer, but I don't remember who. Anyway, that and the awesome melody and rocky feel make for a winning combination. I also love the fact that the song feels like a sad ballad... Tell me what you feel about the song, and which version you prefer!
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