Kodomo no Jikan: Ni Gakki OP Single - Guilty Future by Eri Kitamura

Kodomo no Jikan: Ni Gakki OPLast week I reviewed the ED theme song for the Kodomo no Jikan: Ni Gakki anime (here). Maybe I should have written about the OP first! So here it is... The song is sung by Eri Kitamura.


1. Guilty Future
2. Sakubou -Michikake-
3. Guilty Future (Instrumental)
4. Sakubou -Michikake- (Instrumental)

6/10 Guilty Future feels like a techno song and a times even like hardcore Trance song. And strangely enough, I don't find it bad! I'm usually not the one to like such songs, but this one is weirdly addictive... What do you think about this song??

Watch the ED in HD here:


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