Toaru Majutsu no Index OP2 Single - masterpiece by Mami Kawada

Mami KawadaTo Aru Majutsu no Index has a new OP2 theme song, which is called masterpiece by Mami Kawada. She is a member of the I've Sound who performs soundtracks for some eroge. Mami was usually paired up with co-I've member KOTOKO when making soundtracks for anime. Examples of these are Onegai Teacher, Onegai Twins, Starship Operators, Shakugan no Shana, BALDR Force EXE Resolution OVA, and Hayate no Gotoku wherein KOTOKO will perform the opening theme while Mami will perform the ending theme or vice versa. She also did the first OP for Toaru Majutsu no Index.


1. masterpiece
2. jellyfish
3. masterpiece instrumental
4. jellyfish instrumental

7/10 So, is masterpiece really a masterpiece? Well, the answer is no... It's by no means a masterpiece, but it's not a piece of garbage either (I don't know if you can say that for a song??). I really liked Mami's first OP for Toaru Majutsu no Index (PSI Missing) which had a very catchy melody. This song is still catchy but not as much as PSI Missing. Nevertheless, it's very ubeat and fastpaced and will stay stuck in your head for a couple of days...

Watch the nice OP2 in HD here:


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