Death note Capitulos del 1 al 22 Doblado al Español Latino [Online & Descargar]

Hola que tal amigos , bueno para los fanáticos como yo de este espectacular anime, ya esta saliendo una versión hablada en Español Latino, esta siendo transmitida semanalmente por el canal Animax, para quienes lo vieron y para los que no, aquí se los traigo para el deleite de todos, que lo disfruten :) .

01. "Renacimiento"

02. "Confrontacion"

03. "Negociaciones"

04. "Persecusión"

05. "Tácticas"

06. "Descubrimiento"

07. "Encubrimiento"

08. "Destello"

09. "Encuentro"

10. "Duda"

11. "Ataque"

12. "Amor"

13. "Confesión"

14. "Amigo"

15. "Apuesta"

16. "Decisión"

17. "Ejecución"

18. "Alianza"

19. "Matsuda"


20. "Improvisación"

21. "Actuación"

22. "Guía"

22. "Frenesí"

22. "Resurgimiento"

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VHS HELL: The Secret Ninja

Secret Ninja
Ninja Please

Bleach 217 Sub.Esp. [Online & DD]

Hola amigos , aquí les traigo el capitulo de Bleach anime, seguimos con el combate de los tenientes contra los Fracciones, podremos ver el combate de Charlotte Cuuhlhourne contra Yumichika Ayasegawa, que lo disfruten y pasen buen dia.

SoundHELL: Coffy

They call her Coffy. 'Cause if you jive her, she'll cream you.

Coffy Radio Ad

Gundam RX-78 GP01/Fb Diorama Papercraft

Here's a nice diorama depicting the repair of RX-78GP01 Gundam "Zephyranthes" mobile suit. It was designed by an Indonesian papercraft designer friend of paper-replika's Jules. Download can be found here.

Colon Cleanser

There are many colon cleanser products out there in the market but some can't be trusted. Many people are victimized by companies trying to make a quick buck off of unsuspecting consumers. has sifted through and reviewed hundreds of colon cleansers and rated them based on a 10-point criteria. Why not check out the Top 5 Colon Cleansers in the market today?

What's Matte Painting ? Photoshop changes the industry forever

What's Matte Painting ? How does it work and digital matte paiting?

Well, matte painting is not what I do, but I thought you should know about it a little bit.
It's widely use in film, movie, music video, even in the cinematic shots of big budget video games.

Matte painting has its roots in still photography. In the mid-19th century, photographers began using double-exposure techniques to composite two distinct images into one photograph. In the Victorian era, so-called spirit photography captured the imagination of the masses. In these photos, ghostly apparitions seemed to mingle with the living. They were, in reality, simple darkroom tricks, or what we now call special effects.

Sample of photograph paint over to create matte painting
(before/ After)

Computer Photoshop and digital painting change the way we do matte painting forever.
Digital matte painting, also known as matte painting, is done mostly on the computer and / or with reference pictures instead because of the ease and efficiency of doing it digitally.

It’s another technique that’s used to sell the illusion of a new reality, a place where you can’t possibly build and control in the real world, so you mix together some photos, or hand paint them entirely to fake a background.
The goal of digital matte painting is to achieve photorealistic quality backdrops using 2-D digital images and 3-D computer animation. Instead of blocking off parts of the camera lens, modern filmmakers use blue screens and green screens to replace portions of a shot with digital effects.

Sample of matte painting by Dylan Cole (one of my favorites)

Here for interview with Dylan Cole

Digital matte painters begin with a scene description from the film's art director. It could be "the surface of planet Ooze, where yellow volcanoes gush with purple lava," or "the Roman Forum, circa 300 B.C.E." The matte painter uses this description to sketch concept art. Many matte painters go straight to Photoshop to create their concept art, while some still use paper, pencils, pastels and paint.
More on how digital matte painting works in film. Hope you guys enjoy the post.
Something I thought, you should know if you didn't already.

New Drawing Video tutorials:
-Manga tutorial drawing background
-Draw mutiple manga characters
-Transformers 2 Meagan Fox Speedpainting
-Drawing Watchmen Character Silk Spectre

Environmental Concept Sketch Tutorial
Face Constructed: How to draw faces
Face Constructed: How to paint portraits
-Draw and Paint Women Body Tutorial I: Female Manga Fusion I
-Draw and Paint Women Body Tutorial II: Female Manga Fusion II
-Character Design Tutorial: Dark Valkyrie

Naruto Shippuden Pelicula 2 Sub.Esp.[Online & DD]

Hola que tal amigos , bueno ya tenemos aquí la tan esperada película de Naruto Shippuden Titulada Lazos " Kizuna" , los invito a disfrutar de esta maravillosa aventura y que sigan visitando Estrenos Anime , pasen buen día ^^.

My Piano Cover of Tokyo et Paris - Nodame Cantabile Paris ED

Nodame Cantabile NabaztagHere's my latest piano cover, which has been on youtube for more than a week now! It's the beautiful Nodame Cantabile Paris ED, entitled Tokyo et Paris by Emiri Miyamoto x Solita (check out my review here). It's so weird to be covering a song in my own language!! Anyway, I hope you all like it!!

You can download the mp3 of my piano version here.

Pandora Hearts OP Single - Parallel Hearts by FictionJunction

FictionJunctionThe Parallel Hearts Single has finally leaked (it's supposed to be released the 29th!)... It's always nice to have some fresh Yuki Kajiura songs, especially FictionJunction ones. And there's even a new FictionJunction YUUKA song on the single. What a treat!! In case you haven't heard my piano version of Parallel Hearts, here it is.


1. Parallel Hearts
2. Hitomi no Chikara (by FictionJunction YUUKA)
3. Parallel Hearts ~Instrumental~
4. Hitomi no Chikara ~Instrumental~

9/10 The full version of Parallel Hearts is of course even better than the TV-size version. I can't praise Yuki-sama enough for her awesome songs!!! I also really like the new YUUKA song, it's so nice they're doing songs together again... Even if I prefer the fast YUUKA songs, this one is still mesmerizing.

Check out the full PV, featuring Yuki Kajiura and FictionJunction:

Some updates on the Ongaku Blog...

PonyoYes, I'm still alive... Sorry for not being very active these past few weeks. As some of you may know, I've just started working at my first job as a SEO consultant, so I haven't had much time for my blog. But I'll try to be more organized from now on, and write more regularly! There's been a lot of new shows and new music lately, so there's much to write about. I'm also working on recording my first anime piano composition, a tribute song to Yuki Kajiura in true kajiuran style...

And if you're wondering about the Ponyo picture for this post, here's the answer: Last week I saw it for the first time at the movies and it was so good! I can't wait to go back and see it. The music was amazing as I remembered it. Thank you Joe!!!

Jubei Chan I y II [Completa] [DD]

"Jubei Yagyuu fue el más grande espadachín. Su habilidad era legendaria, pero un enemigo al que no pudo derrotar fue la muerte. Peor: antes de morir, dio a su discípulo esperanza. Hay un sucesor y esa persona recibirá su poder y habilidad, además de su adorable parche.

Tras 300 años de búsqueda, el discípulo encuentra a Jiyu Nanohana, una chica normal que se acaba de mudar a una nueva ciudad y empezaba a ir a la escuela. Como si ir a la escuela no fuera suficientemente estresante, ahora a Jiyu le han dicho que es heredera de los legendarios talentos de Jubei. Y ella tendrá que utilizarlos para el bien y para detener los asesinos del clan rival.

Jubei Chan 2:

"La lucha ha acabado, al menos eso pareciá.

Ha pasado un año, Nanohana Jiyuu está en tercer año de instituto y pasa sus dias tranquila y pacificamente. Un día de camino a clase, Jiyuu inesperadamente se encuentra con Koinosuke. En su mano, Koinosuke lleva el ""Lovely Eyepatch"" (El Parche Encantador"")

Cuando llega al colegio, una estudiante de intercambio ha llegado a su clase, su nombre es Yagyuu Furiisha, sus ojos son de un azul claro y es muy hermosa.

Furiisha en seguida se hace amiga de Jiyuu y de los demás.

Por la tarde, aparece un chico de repente y acuchilla a Jiyuu.....han vuelto los dias de lucha??????

Pueden descargar ambas series dando click al enlace saludos


One Piece 398 Anime Sub.Esp. [Online & DD]

Hola que tal ? Bueno amigos aquí One Piece 398 sub español, espero que disfruten este capitulo subtitulado. Así que miren el comienzo de la gran batalla de los supernovas contra los marines