生き物を描く方法を学ぶモンスターファンタジードラゴンステップバイステップの概念や簡単なレッスンビデオチュートリアル短い。ドラゴン図面やさまざまな生き物 怪物のデザインです。ドラゴン idrawgirls別の概念設計からです。これは、ドラゴンと思う# 7
ここでは、最終的なスケッチ(クリックで拡大) :
Here is a final sketch (click to enlarge):

Here is a video tutorial: How to draw a dragon
Drawing Software & Tools I used:
-Adobe Photoshop CS2
-Wacom Intuos3 6X8 Pen Tablet
(or Bamboo (Small) Pen Tablet
*You can also substitute the tools with just pencil and paper (maybe Big block of graphite or chacoal) in the mean time.
New tutorials:
-How to draw woman or female
-How to draw Mech: Hoover Craft 001
-How to draw a Cyclop creature
-Learn to draw woman sketch.
-How to draw a woman profile or sideview
-How to draw a Cartoon Mouse
-How to draw Basic Mecha Robot #7
-How to draw Ogre Creature
-Drawing and Painting Saya: Blood the last Vampire
-How to draw and paint Manga girl: Dark Elf
-How to draw and paint Mecha Robot 006 White
Photoshop Tutorial:
-How to make a Photoshop custom brush #1
-How to make a Photoshop custom brush #2
here is a Free Painting Software Download if you don't have Photoshop:
www.artrage.com (pick the starter Edition)
Thanks for all overwhelming e-mails guys!!! Due to the high volume of e-mails and questions, I apologized that I cannot usually reply to you within a day or two. I will try my best to answer them all personally and get all the questions answer either by Videos or Post.
** you have any basic questions or specific and do not get my reply right away, please be patience. I usually answer them. In the mean time you can browse through all the Lables or Archives. Your questions may already be solves in one of these tutorials.
I will try to answer them all in time.
THANKs for stopping by, all your support and Subscribe to US for update!
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