Blade and Soul, game trailer from NCSoft.

Blade and Soul, game trailer from NCSoft.

Blade & Soul is under development by Lineage II development team, and the characters in this oriental style MMORPG are designed by the well-known illustrator HyungTae Kim. It is set in an oriental fantasy world and will use Unreal Engine 3.

This is one of the game from our company (NCSoft) which I am awaiting impatiently. I love the character design of the game, very stylize, slick and pretty. Of course, all done by Kim Hyung Tae.

By the way, Kim Hyung Tae visited our ArenaNet office last week. I will show you guys some photos and concept art for "Blade and Soul" on the next post. Peace!

Watch the Trailer: "Blade and Soul"

Anyway it hopefully will be released early 2009 or so.
More info here: Blade and Soul, NCsoft

New tutorials from idrawgirls:
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-Draw quick comics panel using values and composition.
-Drawing haunted tree and castle
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-How to draw face soft shading female.
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- (Part 2) Manga Tutorial Draw Fire Dragon
- (Part 3) Digital Art tutorial, Dragon Creature
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- (Part 5) Drawing and painting Dragon Creature

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Character Design Tutorial Download
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-Character Design Tutorial: Dark Valkyrie

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