Funny Manga online comics Kapow Express update Friday!

Funny Manga online comics Kapow Express update Friday!

Here is an update on you most favorite online Manga comics Kapow Express page 015
Kapow Express, Manga, online, comics, comix, kung fu, anime, assassin, action,
To be continued AGAIN next Friday!

-Online Manga Kapow Express page #014
Or For page 1-10 goto Online Manga

Now, what will happen next? You can and should feel free to give me some idea or feedback. I usually do implement some of our readers' great ideas, NO LIEs. :)

Drawing Software & Tools I used and recommended:
-Genius MousePen 6x8
-Wacom Intuos3 6X8 Pen Tablet
-Bamboo (Small) Pen Tablet (new from Wacom!)
Economy for everyone.
-Gimp (Free Download)
-Adobe Photoshop CS2 (Professional software)
*You can just use pencil, paper, markers on this one...just practice rendering.

New tutorials:
-Drawing Manga comics female eyes and face sketch
-Drawing Gypsy dancer female
-Drawing and shading face and head
-Draw quick comics panel using values and composition.
-Drawing haunted tree and castle
-Manga tutorial drawing giant mecha robot
-How to draw face soft shading female.
-Concept Art tutorial, magma river lava environment.

Dragon Creature design tutorial
- (Part 1) Draw and paint Dragon Fire Blaze
- (Part 2) Manga Tutorial Draw Fire Dragon
- (Part 3) Digital Art tutorial, Dragon Creature
- (Part 4) Digital Painting Step by step, dragon
- (Part 5) Drawing and painting Dragon Creature

Environmental Concept Sketch Tutorial
Face Constructed: How to draw faces
Character Design Tutorial Download
-Draw and Paint Women Body Tutorial II: Female Manga Fusion II
-Character Design Tutorial: Dark Valkyrie

** If you have any basic questions or specific please looked up Q/A section. Most of the time your questions has already been answered in Q/A.


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