Some new character sketches and design for Manga Kapow Express.

Some new character sketches and design for Manga Kapow Express.

Some random character study for Kapow Express. Some more additional characters are much needed for many things to come in the comics. These are just really quick doodle, nothing set in stone...just ideas flowing around that push my hand to sketch them out.

1) Some dude...donno where to put him yet.
character sketch male, kapow express, manga

2)An old lady from some clan, possibly bad @$$ old fart.
character sketch female, kapow express, manga

New tutorials:
-Drawing Manga woman face, hair, and torso
-Drawing Gypsy dancer female
-Drawing and shading face and head
-Draw quick comics panel using values and composition.
-Drawing haunted tree and castle
-Manga tutorial drawing giant mecha robot
-How to draw face soft shading female.
-Concept Art tutorial, magma river lava environment.

Dragon Creature design tutorial
- (Part 1) Draw and paint Dragon Fire Blaze
- (Part 2) Manga Tutorial Draw Fire Dragon
- (Part 3) Digital Art tutorial, Dragon Creature
- (Part 4) Digital Painting Step by step, dragon
- (Part 5) Drawing and painting Dragon Creature

Environmental Concept Sketch Tutorial
Face Constructed: How to draw faces
Character Design Tutorial Download
-Draw and Paint Women Body Tutorial II: Female Manga Fusion II
-Character Design Tutorial: Dark Valkyrie

** If you have any basic questions or specific please looked up Q/A section. Most of the time your questions has already been answered in Q/A.

If you need any help or support you can
-post questions or comment on the post (seems to be the fastest way to get response)


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