Casshern Sins Insert Songs - Episode 8 (Janice)

Janice - Casshern SinsI just finished watching the last Casshern Sins episode (episode 8) and I couldn't help noticing the two beautiful insert songs sung by Janice (Nami Miyahara). This episode was not only visually stunning but also aurally stunning thanks to these two songs (SKY and A Path).

8.5/10 SKY by Nami Miyahara was my favorite of the two songs. It was the song sung by Janice at the very end of the episode, when Casshern is outside fighting. Her song represents hope against the Ruin. It felt really emotional, especially the end with the piano. You can download a ripped mp3 of the song here.
Watch the full song here:

8/10 A Path is sung at the very beginning of the episode, when we first get to meet Janice. The song is much shorter than SKY, but the melody is equally beautiful. Download the mp3 of the song here.


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