New Series OP and ED - Kemeko Deluxe

Time to continue our ride through this fall anime season and all its new opening and ending songs. I've already mentioned the Kemeko Deluxe ED in a previous post (click here). Kemeko Deluxe is a fun show about a chibi robot doll and the OP and ED sure are funny as hell! You can download the full OP and ED single here. (I've been advised to change to Mediafire instead of Megaupload for the download, so now there's not waiting time!)

7.5/10 The OP is called Kemeko Deluxe! like the show and is sung by voice actors of the show (quite a large ensemble!). It's a really fun song, with a nice jazzy beat and saxophones. The music sounds really awesome and fits the funny vocals. You must check it out!

8/10 I've already reviewed the ED Purippurin Taisou, and my feelings towards this song have not changed in the least. It's as funny and as addictive as ever. I love the way the seiyus of the show sing it. They make it even funnier. Watch the funny ED again here:


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