Best OP and ED last season - Seira Kagami for Kaiba

Ok, maybe not the best from last season, but one of the best. Of course there was also Macross Frontier's OPs and EDs (so many of them to chose from...), so that makes it hard for any OP and ED to compete against.
Anyway, Seira Kagami's songs for Kaiba are such a treat. She's really talented!

10/10 YOU NEED TO CHECK THIS OUT, the beautiful OP - Never (click here to download) here's the full version:

9/10 and the ED - Carry me away (Download here!)(If someone has the full version, please contact me ASAP!):

Seira is half japanese and half canadian, so that's why her English is so good! It's nice to see some real English instead of the usual Engrish for a change! Hope you liked these songs?? They really fit the overall mood of Kaiba (check this show out, it's worth it!!).


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