My favorites OPs - Xam'd: Lost Memories

Xam'd Lost MemoriesIt's time to start a new category for this blog. I will now have blogposts about my favorite anime music tracks. So let's begin with anime opening songs.
This first OP, is actually the most recent OP that I love. It's from the great anime Xam'd: Lost Memories, an ongoing supernatural show that I really advise people to watch.

10/10 The Xam'd OP is called Shut up and explode by BOOM BOOM SATELLITES. BOOM BOOM SATELLITES are a Japanese electronic music duo, and this song is part of their sixth album. It's an energy-filled song that uses a lot of electric guitars, with an uptempo beat and has a nice rock feel to it. I highly recommend listening to it! Download the full song here and watch the OP:


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