New Maaya Sakamoto Song - ED for Linebarrels of Iron

OMG, a new Maaya Sakamoto song!! I've known about this one for a few weeks now, but I haven't found the time to write about it yet. So here it is! Maaya Sakamoto is one of my favorite Japanese singers, and she's doing the ED for the new Gonzo show Linebarrels of Iron. Ok, the show isn't that great and the OP is quite dreadful (Ali Project) but still, Maaya's song is really nice. It isn't Yoko Kanno good, but it's still a beautiful song. I like the way the song starts off as slow and then becomes uptempo! And I find her voice always soothing and pleasant, so anything she does is usually a treat!

8/10 So here is the ED for Linebarrels of Iron: Ame ga furu by Maaya Sakamoto (download full song here!) UPDATE: Download the ED single here.

And here's the PV for the full song Ame Ga Furu, enjoy!


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