New OP by ON OFF - Vampire Knight Guilty

I've been talking a lot about the new ED for Vampire Knight Guilty by Kanon Wakeshima which totally blew me off. But I haven't forgotten the OP for Vampire Knight Guilty by ON OFF called Rondo, the same group that did the first OP for Vampire Knight, which was actually really good.

7.5/10 This time around, I think it has more of a baroque feel to it (the first one was already pretty baroque, so that's saying a lot!), but I still really like it. Especially the piano is amazing in it. I also like the change of pace during the song. I'm sure I'll end up giving it an 8/10.

So here is Rondo by ON OFF(Download full song here!):

8/10 Here's the first OP for Vampire Knight: Futatsu no Kodou to Akai Tsumi by ON OFF. I loved it (Akaku akaku akaku...) (Download full song here!)


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