New Series ED - Ga Rei Zero

Let's continue our journey and review anime music from new shows this season. Ga Rei Zero is the latest manga-to-anime series about afterschool spirit-hunting. Hmmm, spirit-hunting is starting to get old... But anyway, this new show does not yet have an OP and the ED has already changed once. Is this starting to become a trend? (Macross Frontier anyone?). The trusted website Anime News Network states that the OP is really the second ED... We'll see I guess.

6/10 The first ED is a slow rocky number called Yume no Ashioto ga Kikoeru by Mizuhara Kaoru. It's not bad really. Check it out:

5.5/10 The second ED (and possible OP) is called Paradise Lost by Minori Chihara. It's an uptempo song and the singer has a really wierd voice, especially when she starts yelling. Check it out:

So tell me what you think about these two songs, and write a comment goddamnit!


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