New Series OP and ED - Michiko to hatchin

Michiko to hatchin is the tale of a "sexy diva" girl escaping from an inescapable fortress and teaming up with a little girl fleeing her horrible foster parents... That could become an interesting anime series if done correctly!

8.5/10 The opening song makes me want to yell sexyyyyyy bikinii for some reason!! It's a really sexy energetic musical piece with a jazzy feel to it. It suits this anime so well!! And not only is the OP great but the video that goes with it is also amazing! I just love the animation and the colors... It also reminds me of a great show, Cowboy Bebop!
Enough said, check it out here. It's called Paraiso by SOIL & "PIMP" SESSIONS (what an interesting name btw...)

4/10 The ED is quite a letdown, compared with the OP! It's a slowish cheesy J-pop track. I'm not a big fan! It's called Best Friend and is performed by Karutetto:


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