Fairchild here, yoroshiku!

Hello everyone, you've probably seen me around and now, the time to invade the World of Anime Music has arrived!

I really am privileged to be writing some posts from hereon. It's all thanks to the amazing Ryvius for allowing me some space in here. I was really excited when he asked me to! I'm a huge fan of his piano covers for random anime tracks and we share the same love for goddess Yuki Kajiura whose music is par excellence and that's great!

I am admin to Fairchild's Raging Domain and blogging has been one of my obsessions lately. Through this media, I've got to unleash the other side of me, the kid in me who's an anime freak and a manga addict (though I've been trying to keep my fangirlings at bay! :P). Being here, in the same way unveils another side of me who appreciates music in its many forms!

Since I still have so much to learn from the Master Ongaku, please take care of me till then okay? I'll do my best!

Alright, now let's get down to business! c",)


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