Ongaku, The World of Anime Music - A New Milestone!

Nabaztag thank you50 000 visitors! I'm proud to announce a new milestone for the Ongaku Blog of Anime Music! This blog has just passed 50 000 visitors (yesterday morning)! My initial expectations for the blog have been far surpassed. Thanks to everyone... especially the loyal readers who come here every day, also to everybody who leaves interesting comments, and of course other bloggers generous enough to link here every now and then. WOW! I am so amazed at how many of you come to visit my blog daily!

I feel like I've accomplished so much already since September the 28th, when I first created this blog. And I've still got plenty of ideas for this site, so be ready for more... Just last week for example, I had the chance to welcome a new author to my blog: Fairchild! (thank you so much). I also have more surprises coming up in the near future, so stay tuned...


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