Kurokami OP Single - sympathizer by Minami Kuribayashi

Kurokami OPThe Kurokami OP Single has just been released! I don't understand the release dates of these OP/ED singles. Sometimes we have to wait until the whole anime series is over to have the single, and sometimes after just 1 or 2 episodes, the OP and ED gets released!!! I wonder which ones sell better? The Kurokami OP theme song is entitled sympathizer by Minami Kuribayashi (of Mai-Hime/Otome fame).

You can download the full OP Single here.


1. sympathizer
2. Sora no Kotae
3. sympathizer (off vocal)
4. Sora no Kotae (off vocal)

5.5/10 I know a lot of you will hate me for this rating, but I like to be honest... After listening to this song a few times, I had mixed feelings. It's really weird with Minami Kuribayashi, I find some of her songs to be really awesome (the Mai Hime songs, especially Chiisana Hoshi ga Oriru Toki <3) and some others quite good (the Mai Otome songs), but after a while I just can't listen to them anymore (except Chiisana). I don't know why, but they really start annoying me... In Sympathizer, her voice feels forced at times, especially in those high notes. I really prefer when she sings lower... While I think the song gets better after 2:51, it's still not enough for me to really like it...

Watch the Kurokami OP in HD:


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