My Top Anime Song of 2008 - Tree Song by Yoshida Kiyoshi

I've been holding on to this one for quite a while now! And now it's finally the right time for me to talk about my favorite anime song of 2008. It is Tree Song from the Kaiba OST, composed by Yoshida Kiyoshi (The singer is Minako "mooki" Obata, thank you TheBigN). Sadly, I don't think a lot of people know that song, because not many have seen Kaiba! It was a really sad and amazing anime, yet totally weird... Check it out some time!

There are three versions of the song on the OST:

1. Tree Song (long version) Download here
2. Tree Song (scat. version) Download here
3. Tree Song (a capella version) Download here

10/10 Tree Song is one of the saddest song I've ever heard, it really suits the anime! I've been listening to this song so often. It's actually the only song on my cellphone, and also serves as my alarm ring tone. Each morning I wake up to this song... So you see, I'm really obsessed with it! Maybe that's why I get depressed all the time, XD!
You really have to listen to it, and then tell me which version you like the most...

The long version of Tree Song:

The scat version of Tree Song:

The a Capella version of Tree Song:

PS: I'll be posting my piano cover of Tree Song soon, so stay tuned...


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