You can download the full OP single here.
1. Keikenchi Sokujoujou
2. Triple LOVE ~Uchi he Oi de mase~
3. Keikenchi Sokujoujou Karaoke
4. Triple LOVE ~Uchi he Oi de mase~ Karaoke
3/10 What a disappointment! When I saw that Minori Chihara (Ga Rei Zero ED2) and Marina Inoue (Le Portrait de Petite Cossette ED) were involved, I wasn't expecting such a crappy song. I should have looked more closely at the anime of course, which is a slice of life comedy with three young girls. But still! Marina Inoue did the awesome Yuki Kajiura song Houseki, but I hardly recognized her voice in this song... I'm really not into quirky and girly J-Pop songs... What do you think? Do you like the OP?
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