Happy 2009 year of the OX, new year drawing

Happy 2009 year of the OX, new year drawing. How to draw and color comics style monster ox warrior lord. This one is pretty much the sketch, draw and color process of how I usually does my online manga comics panel.
Happy new year guys! Hope all of you have great time. :)
Year of the ox is coming around so I thought I would draw a comics style Ox monster concept.

Here are step by step process: drawing Monster ox

1) Line art:
how to draw, ox, year of, monster, warrior

how to draw, ox, year of, monster, warrior

how to draw, ox, year of, monster, warrior

how to draw, ox, year of, monster, warrior

5) Final color sketch:
how to draw, ox, year of, monster, warrior

Watch the video tutorial: How to draw Ox monster warrior:


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