01. The World(120MB) Download here
02. Dream Scape(98.2MB) Download here
03. Vanity(80MB) Download here
05. In the land of twilight, under the moon(99.2MB)
06. The main theme of Petit Cossette(104MB)
07. Houseki(91.2MB)
08. Fake Wings(51.8MB)
09. Ensei(30MB)
10. Mezame(126MB)
11. You are my love(50.9MB)
12. Godsibb(105MB)
13. A song of storm and fire(93.1MB)
14. Canta Per Me(61.2MB)
15. Salva Nos(134MB)
16. Zodiacal Sign(115MB)
17. Open you Heart(125.8MB)
18. Everlasting Song(148MB)
19. Yume no Tsubasa(127MB)
20. Ring Your Song(153MB)
10/10 For me, Vanity is one of the many highlights of this concert. I just love this song and Wakana is my favorite vocalists throughout the concert (well maybe not when Ito Eri's on stage). Her voice is so pure and has so much clarity, how could you not love it? And she's also really amazing live as well! The only negative thing I could say is that compared to the original version, her english sucks, but then again it's not really that important, considering they all sing in Engrish anyway... Oh, I forgot to mention that there's a lot of yelling from creepy Keiko going on towards the end of the song. Well, yelling is not really the right term because she also sings amazingly good!
Here's a nice AMV I found of the original song with clips from Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle
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