Soul Eater 51 Sub Esp [Online & DD] Final

Bueno amigos mios , lastimosamente este anime ya llego a su fin , recuerden que solo eran 51 capítulos pero pues no pueden negar que fue un anime espectacular , personalmente espero que en algún futuro saquen ovas o alguna película para así seguir con mas de Soul Eater .
Invito a todos aquellos que no han visto este anime para que lo vean , de verdad no se van a arrepentir es muy entretenido y cómico ^_^
Bueno no tengo mas nada que decir , me despido de ustedes con mucha satisfacción , disfruten del blog , del foro y del xat , buen dia .

Para ver el capitulo pantalla completa , click a online.

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One piece 394 Sub Esp.[Online & DD]

Hola que tal amigos , aquí les traigo el capitulo mas nuevo del anime One piece , se que lo posteo con algo de demora así que mil disculpas , pero bueno dicen que mejor tarde que nunca xD , disfruten del anime y pasen buen día ^^
Para ver el capitulo pantalla completa , click a online.

How To Draw Forest Landscape Background for storyboard or comics

How To Draw Forest Landscape Background for storyboard or comics

This quick conceptual sketch tutorial. How To draw forest landscape background. Draw and paint environmental sketch conceptual art using digital media photoshop. This one has a bit more color than my usual work...for the change trying things out and stuff. It's more vibrant and saturate, could it be the Spring weather? No, it's not even sunny here in Seattle, sadly

I am actually trying to do more panel as a tutorial along with the Manga comics...hopefully it will work out and I won't get bored creating the same genre and element. We'll see.

Here is final environmental sketch tutorial Forest Escape:

Here are step by step still images:
forest, woods, jungle, comics, storyboard, environment, concept, art, landscape

forest, woods, jungle, comics, storyboard, environment, concept, art, landscape

forest, woods, jungle, comics, storyboard, environment, concept, art, landscape

forest, woods, jungle, comics, storyboard, environment, concept, art, landscape

5) Called it done, :P
forest, woods, jungle, comics, storyboard, environment, concept, art, landscape

Watch Video tutorial: Draw and paint Forest

New Drawing Video tutorials:
-Environmental Concept Granite Beach
-Transformers 2 Meagan Fox Speedpainting
-Drawing Watchmen Character Silk Spectre
-Learn how to draw Watchmen character: Nite Owl
-Concept art tutorial Hovercraft
-How to draw man's head basic
-Drawing Wolverine basic comics style

Environmental Concept Sketch Tutorial
Face Constructed: How to draw faces
Face Constructed: How to paint portraits
-Draw and Paint Women Body Tutorial I: Female Manga Fusion I
-Draw and Paint Women Body Tutorial II: Female Manga Fusion II
-Character Design Tutorial: Dark Valkyrie

MORE Brushes Download: FREE
- Scales Brush Set for Photoshop
- Fire Brushes for Photoshop and Gimp
- Splatter Brushes for Photoshop

Concept artists VS Illustrators, what make them differ

I just found a really good article today. I thought about it accumulate some thinking write some stuff and thought I would share it with you guys.

The line often blur half of the time between being a Concept artist and an illustrator.
Good illustration doesn't make it a good concept art piece to solve the puzzle.
Likewise, great concept art piece doesn't make it a decent illustration either.
So what make them differ?
What define concept art?
What define Illustration?

Concept Artist vs. Illustrator

Concept Art define:
Concept art is a form of (rough or detail) illustration where the main goal is to convey a visual representation of a design, idea, and/or mood for use in movies, video games, animation, or comic books before it is put into the final product. Concept art is also referred to as visual development and/or concept design.
A concept artist is an individual who generates a visual design for an item, character, or area that does not yet exist. This includes, but is not limited to, film production, animation production and more recently video game production. A concept artist may be required for nothing more than preliminary artwork, or may be required to be part of a creative team until a project reaches fruition. While it is necessary to have the skills of a fine artist, a concept artist must also be able to work to strict deadlines in the capacity of a graphic designer. Interpretation of ideas and how they are realised is where the concept artist's individual creativity is most evident, as subject matter is often beyond their control.
Term of concept art is base on reference to preproduction design is ambiguous at best, but it may have come about as part of automotive design or as part of the animation industry. Certainly, both industries had need for people who did this job even if the term had not come into use.

An illustration is a visualization such as a drawing, painting, photograph or other work of art that stresses subject more than form. The aim of an illustration is to elucidate or decorate textual information (such as a story, poem or newspaper article) by providing a visual representation.
An illustrator is a graphic artist who specializes in enhancing writing by providing a visual representation that corresponds to the content of the associated text. The illustration may be intended to clarify complicated concepts or objects that are difficult to describe textually, or the illustration may be intended for entertainment, as in greeting cards, or cover art or interior art for books and magazines, or for advertisement, as on posters.

In the game industry and elsewhere, there is a position called "concept artist". The job responsibility for a concept artist is to communicate to the development team what the game will look like. It is a simple task to define, but there are few people who excel at it. Even worse, most people who are hiring or working with concept artists don't really understand what makes good concept art.

The root of this problem is that most people do not understand the difference between a piece of concept art and an illustration. Yes, they are both static, graphic depictions of something. But the difference in intent could not be larger.

An illustration is an end in itself. It is meant to be presented directly to the final audience. The audience is meant to see an illustration, and come away with a certain feeling or understanding of a visual event. This directly implies a hard division between what is and is not important in illustrative work.

It is important that an illustration be attractive. It must use color and shading in a way that evokes the desired response in the audience. It should been constructed so that line weight and spatial contrast work to convey certain feelings about the different portions of the drawing.

More cool thoughts and reading on

New Drawing Video tutorials:
-Environmental Concept Granite Beach
-Transformers 2 Meagan Fox Speedpainting
-Drawing Watchmen Character Silk Spectre
-Learn how to draw Watchmen character: Nite Owl
-Concept art tutorial Hovercraft
-How to draw man's head basic
-Drawing Wolverine basic comics style

MORE Brushes Download: FREE
- Scales Brush Set for Photoshop
- Fire Brushes for Photoshop and Gimp
- Splatter Brushes for Photoshop

Dragon Ball Evolution Sub Esp. [Online & Descargar]

Hola amigos y amigas del buen anime , sin mucho preámbulo los invito a ver la tan esperada película de Dragon ball, personalmente a mi me gusto mucho pese al cambio tan drástico del trama xD pero bueno cada quien es libre de creer y pensar lo que quiere ..

Disfruten de la película y saquen ustedes sus propias conclusiones , hasta pronto .

Para ver la película pantalla completa , click a la imagen.

Chobits Papercraft: Chi

Chi from the anime and manga series Chobits is a type of persocom that is said to possess true machine intelligence rather than relying on the execution of pre-loaded software programs like other persocoms. You can download Chi here.

California Hotel

San Diego is a great seaside destination that boasts a mild climate year round. There are lots of things to do there like swimming, boating, sailing, parasailing, kayaking and fishing. Land based activities include biking, hiking, golfing and many more. When visiting the area and looking for San Diego California hotel, you might want to check out Porto Vista Hotel and Suites, an Ascend Collection boutique hotel near Balboa Park in San Diego.

Dragon Ball Evolution "Próximamente"

Mucho se hablo de una posible película con personajes reales del famoso anime Dragon Ball ya que desde el 2000 se había especulado la película, así como el director y los personajes del reparto aunque nada era oficial; desde que se dio a conocer que la 20 Century Fox había comprado los derechos para dicha película se reanimaron las esperanzas para todos los fans en el mundo; y el primer paso es la contratación del director James Wong quien será el encargado de llevar adelante el proyecto cinematográfico de la adaptación de "Dragon Ball Z" que posiblemente se este estrenando a mediados de junio del 2009 según la pagina oficial.

James Wong, director de "Destino Final" y "Destino Final 3", entre otras cintas de acción, será el encargado de dirigir "Dragon Ball Z", Adaptación de la famosa serie manga japonesa creada en el año 1984 por Akira Toriyama quien Cuenta con innumerables versiones en cómic, centenares de capítulos de la serie de animación, así como numerosos largometrajes, también de animación. Muchos nombres están siendo nombrados como posibles personajes para "Goku" y "Picoolo" entre ellos esta Justin Chatwin, a quien pudimos ver en "La Guerra de los Mundos" de Steven Spielberg; es el primer nombre anunciado para el reparto de la esperada adaptación; otro nombre sonado y todavía sin confirmar es del James Marsters, conocido por su papel de Spike en las series "Buffy, caza vampiros" y "Ángel", quien interpretara a Piccolo.

Aquí les traigo un Tráiler Oficial de esta película que al parecer sera un éxito , un saludo a toda la comunidad Estrenos anime y en especial a todos los fans de este mundialmente famoso anime Dragon ball , hasta la próxima y Feliz fin de semana ^^

Click a la imagen para ver el Tráiler pantalla completa.

Naruto Shippuden 101-102 Sub Esp. [Online]

Hola amigos , por favor disculpen el retraso ^^!! , aquí les traigo este especial de dos capítulos del anime Naruto Shippuden , continuando con el relleno , se sige la lucha por capturar al bijuu de 3 colas , disfruten de los capitulos y gracias por su visita.
Para ver el capitulo pantalla completa , click a online.

Capitulo 101

Capitulo 102

Naruto manga 441 [Online]

Hola amigos , bueno como todas las semanas aquí les traigo el manga de forma online para aquellos que no lo pueden descargar , que lo disfruten y pasen un buen día ... Saludos al Xat ^^.
Para ver el capitulo pantalla completa , click a online.

Manga Friday Kapow Express Chapter 2 page 2.2 is HERE!

Kapow Express Chapter 2 page 2.2 :)

Sorry, guys. I've been sick on and off for a couple weeks. The weather in Seattle can't decide whether or not it will be Winter, Spring, or's been chaotic. And my body can't decide if it's well or not...but I do try to run about 2 miles every morning...that doesn't really help recently with all the flu going around. Apparently I found out the hard way that I am not invincible :)

I know it's a bit confusing and it's long been await but I am trying to find the way to compromise between making the tutorial and comics. I've been thinking about making better panel art and make tutorial along with it...which is an interest idea, but then sometimes I feel like doing environment and the panel is about character according to the it get confuse with myself because I usually do the tutorial however I wanted and it's what I feel like doing at the moment.

Anyway, I am going to give the idea a shot, but not promising if it will turn out to be the way that the blog will run. I am just everywhere and I usually follow my mind at time when doing blog because there is no boss, no obligation (well, not really), and tons of freedom. The only constraint is that I have to update regularly which is good for me...practice and consistency and motivating myself. Well, that's it. :)

Anyway here is Kapow Express chapter 2 the end of page2
manga, comics, heaven sword, kung fu comics, storm rider, KMT, kapow express, huang feihong

Previously: Kapow Express Chapter 2 page 2
Or read them all at

New Drawing Video tutorials:
-Environmental Concept Granite Beach
-Transformers 2 Meagan Fox Speedpainting
-Drawing Watchmen Character Silk Spectre
-Learn how to draw Watchmen character: Nite Owl
-Concept art tutorial Hovercraft
-How to draw man's head basic
-Drawing Wolverine basic comics style

Environmental Concept Sketch Tutorial
Face Constructed: How to draw faces
Face Constructed: How to paint portraits
-Draw and Paint Women Body Tutorial I: Female Manga Fusion I
-Draw and Paint Women Body Tutorial II: Female Manga Fusion II
-Character Design Tutorial: Dark Valkyrie

MORE Brushes Download: FREE
- Scales Brush Set for Photoshop
- Fire Brushes for Photoshop and Gimp
- Splatter Brushes for Photoshop

Positiveboy Papercraft

With all the bad news that we see on TV like the global recession, it's hard to stay positive. Saltnpaper has a cool papertoy named Positiveboy that will inspire everyone to be positive. You can grab it here.

Naruto 441 Descargar

Que tal? bueno les dejo el capitulo de esta semana
la recta final entre naruto y pain.. ha comenzado.
podra naruto acabar con reino de dios en este capitulo? disfrutenlo hasta la proxima



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My Piano Cover of Kiseki - Birdy The Mighty Decode S2 OP

Ryvius and Birdy
It's been ages since my last piano cover (here). I hope you won't think I'm being lazy! I've actually been working on a lot of songs these days... So there should be a lot more piano covers coming soon! This one is a cover of the awesome Birdy The Mighty Decode S2 OP song by Nirgilis, entitled Kiseki (read my review here). I hope you guys will like it. It's a lot faster than most of the songs I usually play!

You can download the Mp3 version of my cover here.

Fan Cover of Moon on The Water - From the Beck Anime

BeckIt's been a long time since I showcased some new talents. There are a lot of amazing anime song covers out there, just waiting to be discovered! Luckily for me, I didn't have to go very far for this one. Indeed, Taka is a very active member of the Ongaku community and Forums. Here's the amazing cover he did of the Beck song, Moon on The Water:

9/10 His rendition of Moon on The Water is near-perfect. The quality of his voice is just astounding. It has a beautiful and warm feel to it and I really love the vibratos... In my opinion, it's much better than the original versions of the songs (of course the Engrish didn't really help, for example in one version you can clearly hear "what a fuel" instead of "what a fool" LOL).

The Beck OSTs have 3 versions of Moon on The Water, one by Tanaka Koyuki & Minami Maho, another one by THE Dying Breed Feat. Tanaka Koyuki and the last one by BEAT CRUSADERS (the best one).

Check out the original songs after the jump!

Tanaka Koyuki & Minami Maho's version


Gundam 00 S2 Insert Song Album - Unlimited Sky by Tommy Heavenly6

Tommy Heavenly6Unlimited Sky is an Insert Song featured in episode 18 of the Gundam 00 2nd Season anime. It is sung by Tommy Heavenly6, one of Tomoko Kawase's many pseudonyms. Tommy Heavenly6 also did the Soul Eater OP2 (my review here) and the Gintama OP1. Tomoko Kawase is also the singer and vocalist of musical group the brilliant green (They did the awesome Gundam 00 OP2, Ash like Snow). As a solo artist, she has released music under the alter-ego pseudonyms Tommy february6 and Tommy heavenly6. This Gundam 00 S2 Insert Song Album is actually the first Tommy heavenly6 compilation, entitled "Gothic Melting Ice Cream's Darkness Nightmare" and it contains songs from the first and second Tommy heavenly6 album.


1. Wait till I can dream
2. Hey my friend
3. Ready?
4. I'm Gonna SCREAM+
5. Pray
6. Lollipop Candy BAD gir
8. Heavy Starry Chain
10. LCDD
11. Roller coaster ride
12. fell in love with you
15. Wanna be your idol
16. Lucky me
17. +gothic Pink+
18. 2Bfree
19. Unlimited Sky

7/10 Unlimited Sky is a really nice rock song. I just love Tomoko Kawase's voice. It perfectly suits the touching melody of the track. It almost starts off as a slow ballad but then becomes this heavy, guitar-driven song with a really nice beat. Keep up the good work Tomoko! This compilation is also full of other great songs such as this one...

Watch the PV for Unlimited Sky here:

Maria Holic ED Single - Kimi ni, Mune Kyun

Maria Holic ED It's high time for a new ED song review! Today I'll be reviewing the Maria Holic Ending Theme song entitled Kimi ni, Mune Kyun and sung by Asami Sanada, Yu Kobayashi and Marina Inoue. For my review of the Maria Holic OP theme song, it's here.


1. Kimi ni, Mune Kyun.
2. Neko Mimi Rhythm
3. Kimi ni, Mune Kyun. Original Karaoke
4. Neko Mimi Rhythm Original Karaoke

4/10 This song is all about cheesy pop and synth voices. In short, not the kind of songs I like. It sounds childish and cheap. Or maybe I'm just getting too old for this kind of music. What do my readers think? Am I being too harsh?

Check out the full song after the jump!

Bleach 212 Sub español [Online& DD]

Hola que tal amigos , aquí les traigo el capitulo semanal de este espectacular anime , que lo disfruten y pasen un buen día , gracias por su visita ^^

Environmental concept granite beach and light in the sky

Environmental concept granite beach and light in the sky.
Here is a quick environmental concept sketch tutorial I did last night. Like always it's easier to scribble out values sketch before deciding on color, digital or traditional. But digital has more flexibility because when you mess up, you can always go back and do some tweak or paint over.
Here is a concept sketch of a beach with some kind of black crystal granite and if you notice closely on the final image, you will see a warlock on top of the big black crystal granite.

Here is a final sketch of the environmental concept: Black Crystal Granite
Black and white

Here are step by step process:
environment, concept, art, landscape, beach, black, crytal

environment, concept, art, landscape, beach, black, crytal

environment, concept, art, landscape, beach, black, crytal

environment, concept, art, landscape, beach, black, crytal

environment, concept, art, landscape, beach, black, crytal

Quick concept sketch Done
environment, concept, art, landscape, beach, black, crytal

Watch video tutorial: Environmental concept: Black Crystal Granite
**Video is in Process, coming soon***

New Drawing Video tutorials:
-Transformers 2 Meagan Fox Speedpainting
-Drawing Watchmen Character Silk Spectre
-Learn how to draw Watchmen character: Nite Owl
-Concept art tutorial Hovercraft
-How to draw man's head basic
-Drawing Wolverine basic comics style
-Character Design Face Male Merchant Character

Environmental Concept Sketch Tutorial
Face Constructed: How to draw faces
Face Constructed: How to paint portraits
-Draw and Paint Women Body Tutorial I: Female Manga Fusion I
-Draw and Paint Women Body Tutorial II: Female Manga Fusion II
-Character Design Tutorial: Dark Valkyrie

MORE Brushes Download: FREE
- Scales Brush Set for Photoshop
- Fire Brushes for Photoshop and Gimp
- Splatter Brushes for Photoshop