To Aru Majutsu no Index ED2 Single - Chikaigoto by IKU

To Aru Majutsu no Index ED2 SingleSo many new OPs and EDs Singles have been released at the end of Frebruary. Which means, a lot of songs waiting to be reviewed (I have been too lazy these past weeks)... This song is one of them! It's the To Aru Majutsu no Index ED2 theme song by IKU, who already did the first ending.


1. Chikaigoto ~Sukoshi Dake Mou Ichido~
2. Yurari Haru
3. Chikaigoto ~Sukoshi Dake Mou Ichido~ ~ instrumental
4. Yurari Haru ~ instrumental

4/10 Sadly, not as good as IKU's first effort! It's rather bland to say the least... In fact it's so bland, you could nearly choke. The melody is as dull as it gets. I hope I'm not the only one getting a "meh" feeling from this song.

Watch the ED in HD after the cut:


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