Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Rei OP (TV-size) - Super scription of data by Eiko Shimamiya

Higurashi no Naku Koro ni ReiHurray, another Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Series!! Well technically it's not a TV-series, just an OVA with 5 episodes, but still... I can't wait to see some blood and spilled guts! I really enjoyed the 2 series. Unfortunately, the first episode of Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Rei felt a bit off. What's with the goofy swimming-pool episode?? I hope we'll get to see some torture and gore in the next episodes, hehe...

Like in the previous installments, the awesome Eiko Shimamiya does the opening theme song which is entitled "Super scription of data"! I know what you're thinking! What a ridiculous name...

6.5/10 I'm not sure what to think of "Super scription of data"... I really loved the previous Higurashi OPs, and this one isn't as good in my opinion. It's still a good song, but something is lacking. I guess I'll have to listen to the full version to make my finale review...

The OP in HD and the lyrics are after the cut:

Lyrics (English):

Shall I tell you?
Promise me that you won’t say it
To anyone else besides us here
Let’s make a pinky swear on it
And if you lie, may you swallow a thousand needles

While it remains folded-up
Look up at the wriggling story
And show it to me
In the past and future, too
Super scription of data

Lyrics (Romaji):

Oshiemashou ka?
Sono moto igai wa dare ni mo
Iwanai yakusokushite ne
Yubikiri genman
Uso tsuitara hari senbon

Oritatamareta mama
Ugomeite iru monogatari o
Miagete misete yo
Kako mo mirai mo
Super scription of data

Lyrics (Kanji):


Super scription of data


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