Feng Zhu Tutorials: How to paint step by step

Feng Zhu's Tutorials
Here I just stumble upon the forgotten site: Feng Zhu Design.
Amazing artist, I met him a few years back when Guild Wars was just in the beginning phrases.
He and Ed Lee came by the studio about once in every three weeks back then to work with our art director. Anyway, when I first found his site long time ago, I was blown away. Cool cat, he seems.

He worked on StarWar film. If you interested in learning how to draw perspective, how to design mech, and how to create enviroment. He is the master, one of the most sort after in the industry.

Since I have not post any new tutorials for a while, I might as well recommend some good ones.

Here is a link to additional seven tutorials from Feng's site:
"Tutorials from Feng Zhu"

Visit him: fengzhudesign.com

Have fun with the cool tut!


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