How to draw: woman body hip, pelvis, butts, or bottoms. Video Photoshop painting tutorial

How to draw: woman body hip, pelvis, butts, or bottoms Part II Video continue from drawing butts instruction Step by step, I hope you can learn something. This time is how to paint over the drawing that you already created.

This tutorial instruction of how to draw figure is a continuation from
Part I (a while back)
-How to draw: woman body hip, pelvis, butts, or bottoms or behind.

Anyway, here is a painting process of how I render or paint over it.
About 45 mins or so but it play at x3 speed. Have fun!
Final image:
how to draw, painting, figure, body, drawing, manga, anime, tutorial, girl.

How To Paint Girl Anatomy, Body, Hip, Butts, Behind. - More bloopers are a click away

Drawing Software & Tools I used:
-E frontier Manga Studio EX Professional
-Genius MousePen 8X6 Graphic Tablet for Home and Office

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Character Design Tutorial Download

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-Drawing Spunky Anime Girl with guns I (Sketch)
-Drawing Spunky Anime Girl with guns II (Coloring)

Resurrected Good tutorials
Here are some links to good tutorials

-Oil painting: Portrait Tutorials by Scott Burdick (Step by Step)
- "Susan" Demo
-"Maria" Demo

Here is a link to additional seven tutorials from Feng's site:
"Tutorials from Feng Zhu"

Have fun!


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