Guild Wars: "Eye of the North" Overview.

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Here are Guild Wars News

The Overview

Guild Wars: Eye of the North – Reviews and news posts that link to the official site

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Breakdown of the Week’s Buzz

As a result of our outreach, Game Almighty reviews Guild Wars: Eye of the North and gave it 7.8 out of 10. The editor loved the new PvE content and how it tied into the original campaign. He also thought the new mini-games were very cool. (3 million monthly unique visitors) published a very positive review of Guild Wars: Eye of the North. While the site does not give rating scores, editor David Edison heaped praise on the title, recommending it for all Guild Wars players.

The majority of last week’s Guild Wars related news was generated by editors reposting news from the official site. This news included the Halloween content, and State of the Game. A couple of sites also picked-up on the news that Guild Wars is now available for download on Direct2Drive.

Key Quotes:

· “Either way you slice it, Guild Wars: Eye of the North is an excellent addition to a very particular game, and its strengths and flaws are by this point less about game design and more about game preference. Which is exactly what Eye of the North aims to do: give more Guild Wars goodness to Guild Wars fans. If that's you, sign up. If it ain't, wait until Guild Wars 2, which should be offering broader fare.”.” – David Edison, Editor, Gay Gamer

· “When all is said and done, GWEN is a good expansion for Guild Wars players that will offer plenty of content for those that just can’t quit the habit. The presentation is still good, and the PvP is still a blast. Curious newcomers will want to sink their teeth into one of Guild Wars’ other three campaigns first, but if you’re looking to get a bit more out of the Guild Wars experience and want to prep yourself for its coming sequel, Eye of the North is a great interim solution.” -- Matt Butrovich, Editor, Game Almighty


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