How to draw face: girl profile. Video tutorial quick sketch

How to draw face: girl profile. quick sketch Video tutorial. I am trying to make it as realistic and as hot as I can. I figure since the site called "idrawgirls", I might as well draw more girl. I will put the comics on a break for a week or so. Then draw more girls and record the process then make it a tutorial daily. Anyway.

Final Quick Sketch:
how to draw face, girl, hot, profile

Drawing girl is tricky, you make little tiny bit of's gone.
Enjoy the Video Tutorial:

Video tutorial demo, this one is a little longer and more intermediate. The one above I posted long time ago and didn't have any equipment to record a video drawing so. But basically, they start and end the say way.
Lesson on how to shade and render face or portrait:

Face Constructed: How to draw faces
Face Constructed: How to paint portraits

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