Online Comics DOGs of WAR: Chapter 1 (post no. 021)

DOGs of WAR: Chapter 1 (post no. 020)
Online daily graphic novel, manga, and comic.

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One of Adela's men gives the signal that Huang and Hazah have been waiting for. The real battle is about to begin.

To be continued (not any time soon...the project is postponed for at least a few years) sorry. ;(

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Historical Note: "The Mongols established a system of "iamy," or postal-relay horse stations, thus creating a mail service much like the later Pony Express of the U.S. frontier era. The Mongol mail system was the first such empire-wide service since the Roman Empire. Additionally, Mongol battlefield communication relied on flags to communicate movement orders during combat."

Art & Story: Xia Taptara
Creative Editing: Skylark

Creator's Note: Again, new tutorials this week:
- Adam Hughes: How to draw sexy women. Video tutorial.
-Creature concept drawing, step by step basic by me
-How to draw girl feature, profile: Video tutorial by Joshua Middleton

MORE TUTORIALs TO COME TODAY, check back soon.

Boo! Enjoy the day,


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